Comment on a Project
Notice of Application
In Washington State, a Notice of Application is a public notice from a permitting agency letting the community know that a permit application for a development or land-use project has been submitted. It includes key details about the project, such as its location, and outlines how and when the public can submit comments or appeals.
The projects listed below are sorted by the most recent date and include general project details, the deadline for submitting comments, a public comment form, and a public comment viewer to see all feedback submitted. The comment form asks for your name, email, a project description and map, your opinion, and a comment box—all fields are required. Please keep in mind that comments will be accepted until the project is completed.
Projects with Active Notices
Evergreen Heights Reasonable Use Exception
The proposal is a Reasonable Use Exception (RUE) request for an existing well and associated appurtenances within a wetland buffer. The well is proposed to serve a future single-family residence. The subject parcel totals 4.71 acres and is zoned Rural Residential Resource One Dwelling Unit Per Five Acres (RRR 1/5) in Rural Thurston County.
Rhodes Reasonable Use Exception
The proposal is a Reasonable Use Exception (RUE) request for permitting of a future single-family residence and associated appurtenances within a wetland buffer. The parcel totals 5.25 acres and is zoned Rural Residential Resource One Dwelling Unit per Five Acres (RRR1/5) in rural Thurston County.