Attention: Builders, Septic & Construction Pros - New Permit Process Began on January 1
January 29, 2025

A new state law referred to as SB 5290 reduces permitting timelines. To comply, the permitting office made changes:
- Application packets must be complete to be accepted. Submittal checked at counter before intake. Previously the county accepted incomplete packets as a courtesy to our customers.
- Completed Critical Areas Determination (CAD) required before any building or septic. Exceptions may apply. Email us at planning@co.thurston.wa or visit the Permit office Monday - Friday from 8-4 to ask about your project.
- New forms & checklists available on the applications and forms webpage.
- Find more details about this change, and subscribe to our Permit email list on The Building Development Center (BDC) Digest page.
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