County News
How to Safely Enjoy Water Recreation in Thurston County
"How's the water?" is a question many people have before they go swimming, paddle-boarding, boating, fishing, or otherwise enjoying the many bodies of water in our area. Here are some tips from Thurston County Public Health and Social Services Water Quality Program to help assess water quality before you enjoy water activities.
Thurston County Solid Waste Advisory Committee is Recruiting Three Representatives
This is an exciting time to be a member of Thurston County's Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC)! Input is needed on major capital improvement projects at the Waste and Recovery Center in Lacey and the Rainier and Rochester drop-box facilities.
Stronger Together: Thurston County Celebrates 2021 National Public Works Week
Thurston County is joining local governments across the nation May 16-22, in celebration of National Public Works Week. The Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) will announce National Public Works Week with an official proclamation during the Tuesday, May 18, BoCC meeting.
Coffee With A Commissioner, Earth Day Edition
On, Monday, April 19, Thurston County Commissioner Join Tye Menser had coffee with Bob Barnes, retired landscape architect and tree-planting advocate, to talk about Earth Day, climate change, teaching the next generation, and ways to help our planet.
Coffee With A Commissioner - Jennica Machado, Thurston County Economic Development Manager
On, Monday, March 22, Thurston County Commissioner Carolina Mejia hosted the first episode of the county's all new web series "Coffee With a Commissioner!" Commissioner Mejia spoke with Thurston County Economic Development Manager Jennica Machado about efforts to increase economic development and the impacts of COVID-19 on our local economy.