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Thurston County, Washington

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Community Planning and Economic Development

Statement Base Rate

The stormwater base rate pays for all stormwater utility services except those related to construction projects. It reflects how much a property contributes to stormwater runoff.

Single-family residential properties are charged a fixed rate per parcel.  The rate is based on the footage of impervious surface found on an average residential property. Impervious surfaces are hard surfaces, such as roofs or driveways, that don't allow water to percolate into the ground.  

Duplexes, triplex and fourplex parcels; residential parcels; multi-family (more than fourplex) units; and mobile-home parks also pay a fixed rate based on the average counterpart property.

Commercial and public property rates are site-specific; these are calculated according to each individual property's actual area of impervious surface.

Vacant properties are charged a flat $1 per acre.


Statement Capital Rate

The capital rate helps the County build stormwater utility projects that have been prioritized and approved by the Thurston County Board of Commissioners.  The rate varies depending on a property's location within the boundaries of the County's federal clean water permit (also called NPDES Phase II Permit).  See the NPDES Boundary Map.

Residential properties are charged a fixed capital rate per parcel based on the footage of impervious surface found on an average residential property (3,600 square feet).  

Commercial and public properties rates are calculated based on the how many residences-worth (3,600 square feet) of impervious surface on property.

Vacant properties pay no capital rate.


Rate Credits

Some property owners, if eligible, could get discounts off their base rate. 

Businesses, churches, office and public buildings could get a discount ranging from 25%-50%. They must keep stormwater facilities in good shape and use best management practices to protect water quality.

Schools could get up to 40% off. They must keep stormwater facilities in good shape and teach students about water-related issues. Schools may qualify for an additional 10% off by participating in one of these programs:


Applications & Program Details

Program details (PDF)  |  First time application for schools (PDF)  |  First time application for all others (PDF)  |   Renewal application (PDF)

Maintenance Agreements

Commercial (PDF)

Best Management Practices (BMPs)

BMP Planning Template (Word) |  Commercial/Industrial Cleaning & Washing (PDF)