2024 Value Change Notice
The following is an image of this year's value change notice mailed to the owners of residential and commercial properties throughout Thurston County.
By law, values are calculated as of January 1 and this year's notice reflects the change in value between 1/1/2023 and 1/1/2024. With in this time frame, the median residential single family home price was just above $500,000. This value change reflects a modest increase from last year’s values, typically ranging in the single digit increase.
With the goal of greater transparency, property owners can now see copies of their value change notice that was mailed on August 29th online at A+ Parcel Search. See the link below the value change notice sample, to access A+ Parcel Search.

2023 Value Change Notices Mailed June 2
The following is an image of this year's value change notice mailed to the owners of residential and commercial properties throughout Thurston County.
By law, values are calculated as of January 1 and this year's notice reflects the change in value between 1/1/2022 and 1/1/2023.
Over the next several weeks you will likely see news coverage about values in King, Snohomish and Pierce Counties. Last year many of the values in these urban counties increases by over 40% and this year values in many of these counties will decrease by as much as 20%. Here in Thurston our values increased by a much lower percentage last year, and this year on January 1 we saw increases mostly in single digits. So please consider these regional differences as you review your property's value change notice.

In 2014, our office was one of 26 jurisdictions out of 13,000 assessment jurisdictions in the United States to be awarded the Certificate of Excellence in Assessment Administration (CEAA) by the International Association of Assessor Officials (IAAO).
This certificate recognizes our outstanding achievement of meeting the requirements for the CEAA, exceeding the guidelines as established for this award by the IAAO in property assessment administration practices.
In 2020, our office received a recertification from the IAAO, demonstrating our ongoing commitment to maintaining these high standards in assessing property, assuring that we are doing as much as we can to achieve fairness and equity in the property tax system.
Assessor's Office Location
3000 Pacific Ave SEOlympia, WA 98501
Mailing Address
3000 Pacific Ave SE
Olympia, WA 98501