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Thurston County, Washington

The content on the Thurston County website is currently provided in English. We are providing the “Translation” for approximately 10 languages. The goal of the translation is to provide visitors with limited English proficiency to access information on the website in other languages. The translations do not translate all types of documents, and it may not give you an exact translation all the time. The translations are made through an automated process, which may not result in accurate or precise translations, particularly of technical and legal terminology.

Board of County Commissioners

Budget Office Homepage

The Budget Office provides the Board of County Commissioners with financial information, forecasting, program and financial analysis, and ensures that budget processes comply with applicable laws. It is responsible for the biennial budget and for helping offices and departments prepare and administer their budgets.

View from above, a group of people sitting around table with computers, paper spreadsheets and charts.

View the American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) reports to learn more about how Thurston County is caring for our communities in the wake of the C-19 pandemic.

 2024-2025 Budget Book

2024 Covid Recovery Plan Performance Report

2023 Covid Recovery Plan Performance Report

2022 Covid Recovery Plan Performance Report

2021 Covid Recovery Plan


Budget Office Homepage

Budget Office Location

3000 Pacific Ave SE
Olympia, WA 98502
Monday–Friday: 8:00 am–5:00 pm

Mailing Address

3000 Pacific Ave SE
Olympia, WA 98502