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Thurston County, Washington

The content on the Thurston County website is currently provided in English. We are providing the “Translation” for approximately 10 languages. The goal of the translation is to provide visitors with limited English proficiency to access information on the website in other languages. The translations do not translate all types of documents, and it may not give you an exact translation all the time. The translations are made through an automated process, which may not result in accurate or precise translations, particularly of technical and legal terminology.

Community Planning and Economic Development

Natural, chemical-free yard care makes a yard safer for you, your family and your pets. It also keeps harmful chemicals from ending up in rain and snow melt runoff (stormwater), which ultimately flows into our lakes and streams or seeps into the groundwater. And that's important because most drinking water in Thurston County (Lacey, Olympia, Tumwater, and unincorporated areas) comes from groundwater. Let's protect our local water and keep it clean together!

Bee sitting on purple clover in the middle of an ecolawn.


How to Join the Program (It's Free)


Apply for this Program.

Take the quick survey (3 mins).  Choose the "yard style" you would like to achieve this year.


Choose Your Yard Style.

Follow the instructions sent to your email to get started in the program.


Access the Online Course and More!

Once in the program you will have access to:

  • An online video-based training with supporting resources.
  • Live Q&A with a soil expert.
  • In-person workshop on natural yard care.
  • Regular email reminders.
  • And MORE!

How to Grow a Beautiful Yard Naturally

Register for the online course to access full program resources as well as the LIVE Q&A!



Rapid transformation after 21 years of struggle

"The look and feel of both the dirt surface and the grass itself are so much healthier and prettier than what we had dealt with for the past 21 years. We are grateful for the impetus that the Go Green program gave us to undertake the makeover and for the experience of all the people involved."

~West Olympia Homeowner

Related Events

2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month April - October 2024 : Thurston County Master Gardeners Native Plant Sale 

Washington Native Plant Society : Recorded Events & Presentations

Go Green Yard Care Presentation with Q&A (video recording available Fall, 2024) : Stay Tuned!


May 29th, 12pm - 1pm : Oregon State University FREE Webinar on Growing Cover Crops 

FREE Wood Chip Mulch Deliveries from Local Arborists : Chip Drop

May 4th, May 16th, June 12th, July 14th, August 17th, September 7th, October 2nd: FREE Composting Workshops

First Saturday in October, 2024 : Healthy Yard Demo Day at Harvest Festival (stay tuned for up-to-date event details!)

November, 2024: Salmon & Cider Stream Team event at McLane Creek Nature Trail (stay tuned for up-to-date event details!)