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Thurston County, Washington

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Public Works

Image of a field and description of the Noxious Weed Control Board


Weed Control Board

The members of the Board represent the people and interests of the districts from which each is appointed. The members of the Board also have administrative duties for the noxious weed control program including the annual noxious weed list for Thurston County.

A strategic management plan was adopted on June 4, 2013 by The Thurston County Board of Commissioners (BoCC). To view please click here.

Our program fulfills the requirements of RCW 17.10 Noxious Weeds-Control Boards. 

Responsibilities of the Weed Board

  • represent the people and interest of the district from which each is appointed
  • administer the noxious weed control program by establishing policies and procedures in accordance with statutes and state regulations
  • adopt rules and regulations and the annual noxious weed list
  • participate in work sessions and briefings with the BoCC
  • conduct hearings, apply liens on properties and attend meetings
  • propose grants
  • create a fee assessment
  • review the annual budget for operation of the noxious weed control program
  • review applications for open board positions and recommend appointees to the BoCC

To help protect the state's resources, the Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board adopts a State Noxious Weed List each year. This list categorizes weeds into three major classes - A, B and C - according to the seriousness of the threat they pose. Contact the Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board to participate in the weed listing process.

Weed Board Meetings

The Thurston County Noxious Weed Control Board will hold a public hearing to receive public comment on the Thurston County Noxious Weed Control Board Rules and Regulations including the 2024 Noxious Weed List on Monday, January 22, 2024.

The Thurston County Noxious Weed Control Board has scheduled its regular meetings for 2024 as follows: January 22, February 26, March 25, April 22, June 24, July 22, August 26, September 23 (Canceled), October 28, and November 25.

Weed Board meetings are held at 5:30 p.m., via MS Teams, in person, or a hybrid combination. The public is encouraged to participate in all board meetings. To receive information on how to participate in meetings, please contact Thurston County Noxious Weeds at (360) 786-5576 or