Take Steps to get 'Flood Smart' This Flood Awareness Week

CONTACT: Cherie Carey, Emergency Management Coordinator at (360) 239-1282 or cherie.carey@co.thurston.wa.us
OLYMPIA – This week is Flood Awareness Week in Thurston County, and county leaders are encouraging residents to prepare for winter storms by checking their emergency kits, making plans with family members, and getting flood insurance before disaster strikes.
Residents of unincorporated Thurston County can get as much as a 40 percent discount for flood insurance for properties in special flood hazard areas, and a 10 percent discount for properties not in a special flood hazard area. Visit the county’s Flood Plans & Insurance webpage to learn more.
"The clock is ticking. With a mandatory 30-day waiting period once you make your initial premium payment, every second counts,” said Kyle Bustad, Thurston County Emergency Management Manager. “We're focusing this week on encouraging residents to get flood insurance now before storm season sets in. Get your flood insurance today."
With an average annual rainfall of 50 inches, floods are one of the most common natural hazards in Thurston County.
Thurston County’s top-rated floodplain management programs have helped reduce flood damage and encouraged property owners and residents in flood hazard areas to obtain flood insurance at a reduced price. The county completed several flood mitigation and preparedness actions, receiving a high Community Rating System score from the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
Emergency Management recommends homeowners and renters obtain national flood insurance for a reliable financial safety net against flood-induced damages. Traditional homeowner’s insurance does not envelop flood damage, and federal disaster assistance is available only for federally declared disasters.
Another action you can take is signing up for Thurston Community Alert (TC Alert), the county’s official emergency notification system. With TC Alert, you can get alerts to your smartphone or other devices including flood warnings, evacuation notices and instructions, or severe weather alerts. Learn more and sign up today at tcalert.org.
You can also create a Smart911 profile to give emergency responders important information that could save your life. Adding personal information such as the number of pets in your home, emergency contacts, and your medical provider is completely voluntary. You can easily create a profile while signing up for TC Alert.
To stay connected, follow Thurston County Emergency Management on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram at: Facebook ThurstonEM, X @ThurstonEM, Instagram thurstoncountyem
While Thurston County is prone to flooding, especially in the fall and winter, our community is stronger and more resilient when we work together and prepare.