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Thurston County, Washington

The content on the Thurston County website is currently provided in English. We are providing the “Translation” for approximately 10 languages. The goal of the translation is to provide visitors with limited English proficiency to access information on the website in other languages. The translations do not translate all types of documents, and it may not give you an exact translation all the time. The translations are made through an automated process, which may not result in accurate or precise translations, particularly of technical and legal terminology.

Board of Equalization

The Thurston County BOE accepts new Petitions and supplemental information through the following methods: electronically through our online links, or hard copies sent U.S. Mail, UPS, Fed Ex, or hand delivered.​ For guidance in completing a new Petition for residential property, please review the Appeal Preparation Guide. If filing electronically, use our designated "NEW Petition" link under Filing Electronic Submissions on our home page to transmit your completed/signed (hand-written signature) Petition, along with a copy of your Official Property Value Change Notice (click here for example). Please do NOT email your appeal directly to staff or try and submit it electronically through any other means. All electronic submissions need to be combined into 1 or 2 PDF read-only documents.  


Taxpayer Petition to the County Board of Equalization for Review of Real Property Valuation Determination (e.g., residence, business, land, etc.)

MS Word (fillable) 
PDF (fillable) (NOTE: For values to fill in and calculate correctly, do not put commas or periods in the values section.)

To assist you in filling out a properly completed Petition, check out this Example.

Taxpayer Petition to the County Board of Equalization for Review of Personal Property Valuation Determination *

* Please note that this form is ONLY used for equipment and inventories of businesses and farms (NOT for homes, mobile homes, and land)

MS Word (fillable)
PDF (fillable)


​Taxpayer Petition to the County Board of Equalization for Review of Current Use or Designated Forest Land Determination

MS Word (fillable)


Taxpayer Petition to the County Board of Equalization for Review of Senior Citizen/Disabled Person Exemption or Deferral Determination

MS Word (fillable)

Withdrawal Forms

2023 Assessment Year:

MS Word (fillable)
PDF (fillable)

2022 Assessment Year:

MS Word (fillable)
PDF (fillable)

2021 Assessment Year:

MS Word (fillable)
PDF (fillable)

2020 Assessment Year:

MS Word (fillable)
PDF (fillable)

Late Filing and Request for Reconvening

If you have missed the appeal filing deadline, and you believe that your situation is among one of the qualifying reasons listed in Frequently Asked Questions #7, please file either:

Late Filing Exception Request Form

MS Word (fillable)

PDF (fillable) 


Request for Reconvening Form 

MS Word (fillable)

PDF (fillable)

Declaration Form to submit if selecting Request for Reconvening code 01

MS Word (fillable)

PDF (fillable)

Please contact our office at (360) 786-5135, TDD 711 OR 1-800-833-6388, or send an e-mail to Ruth Elder to request forms and publications by U.S. mail or e-mail. Please refer questions regarding these forms to Ruth Elder, BOE Clerk.