Living Well Thurston Workshop - Managing Your Chronic Condition
What is the Living Well Thurston Workshop?
A self-management resource program with the Self-Management Resource Center
- Online, interactive workshops for people with chronic physical or mental health conditions and their caregivers.
- Learn to set goals and better manage your chronic health conditions.
- Led by two skilled, trained leaders.
- Sessions occur once a week for 2 ½ hours over six weeks (seven weeks for online workshops).
- Based on the Self-Management Resource Center's Chronic Disease Self-Management Program.
Data & Outcomes of Living Well Thurston Workshops 5-year summary

What is the cost and how do I register?
The workshop is free and includes either a Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions book.
Online Workshop Series Information:
Wednesdays, October 30 - December 18, 2024 (No November 27 workshop)
What is a chronic health condition?
- Health problems that are long term or long lasting.
- Conditions like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, depression, multiple sclerosis, and chronic pain.
For more information, call our Living Well Coordinator at 360-480-4654 or send an email to