Health Data
The Assessment and Evaluation team works to develop a comprehensive understanding of health in our community and translate data into action. Our team of epidemiologists collect, analyze, interpret, and disseminate various types of health data, visualizations, reports, plans, and presentations to community partners, decision-makers, and the public.
Data provides information about the health of a community. It can be used as a tool to:
- Identify and prioritize needs
- Make data-informed decisions
- Plan and evaluate programs
- Develop and implement policies
- Demonstrate a need for funding
- Inform the community about local health issues
Many things affect the health of a community. Health data topics include, but are not limited to:
- Access to care
- Affordable housing
- Demographics
- Health equity
- Income and education
- Leading causes of death and hospitalization
- Maternal and child health
- Mental health
- Racism and discrimination
- Substance use
Health data is gathered through in-house data collection, as well as through analysis of existing data sources available, such as:
- Vital records
- Population surveys
- Information systems
Data storytelling is the process of transforming complex data into simplified narratives and visualizations that communicate context, insight, and interpretation. Below are health-related data stories made by the Assessment and Evaluation team:
County Health Rankings and Roadmaps have released the 2024 County Health Rankings, which provide an annual snapshot of the health of the nation’s counties. Thurston County is faring about the same as the average county in Washington for Health Outcomes, and better than the average county in the nation. Thurston County is faring worse than the average county in Washington for Health Factors, and better than the average county in the nation. Explore the health outcomes and health factors of Thurston County and see how other counties compare at, or view the summary report put together by our team titled County Health Rankings 2024 Data Release for Thurston County and Washington State.
Health Outcomes

Health Factors

Explore data products created by Washington State Department of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and other organizations below.
- CDC - Alzheimer's Disease and Healthy Aging Data Portal
- CDC - Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Prevalence and Trends Data
- CDC - Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System
- CDC - Wide-ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research
- CDC and Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry - Social Vulnerability Index
- CDC and National Cancer Institute - United States Cancer Statistics Data Visualizations
- CDC, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and CDC Foundation - Population Level Analysis and Community Estimates
- Child Care Aware of Washington - Child Care Data and Statistics
- Federal Emergency Management Agency - Reports and Data
- Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation - Interactive Data Visuals
- Health Resources and Services Administration - About the Data
- Looking Glass Analytics and Washington State Health Care Authority, Department of Health, Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, and Liquor and Cannabis Board - Healthy Youth Sur
- March of Dimes - State Summary for Washington
- Solutions in Health Analytics for Rural Equity across the Northwest - Data Dashboards
- The Annie E. Casey Foundation - Kids Count Data Center
- Thurston Regional Planning Council - Maps and Data
- United for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed - Research Center Washington County Reports
- United Health Foundation - America's Health Rankings
- United States Census Bureau - Data
- United States Department of Housing and Urban Development - Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy Data
- University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation - County Health Rankings and Roadmaps
- Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families - Reports
- Washington State Department of Health - Data and Statistical Reports
- Washington State Department of Social and Health Services - Research and Data Analysis
- Washington State Department of Transportation - Transportation Data
- Washington State Economic Security Department - Thurston County Labor Market Information
- Washington State Health Care Authority - Data and Reports
- Washington State Office of Financial Management - Data and Research
- Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction - Data and Reporting
- Washington Traffic Safety Commission - Data Dashboards
To make a data request, or to obtain copies of previous health data, visualizations, reports, plans, or presentations, contact the Assessment and Evaluation team at
Community Health Assessment
A Community Health Assessment (CHA) is a collection and review of health data used to illustrate the current health status of a community and monitor its progress over time. It is a critical step in defining the vision for health in a community so that targeted health improvement efforts can be selected to affect policies, dismantle health disparities, and promote collective impact in our community. A Thurston County CHA will be conducted, and the findings will be used to identify the health priorities of focus for a Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP).
Hospitals recognized as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit entity conduct similar assessments called Community Health Needs Assessments (CHNAs) and adopt an implementation strategy to meet the community health needs identified through their CHNA. In Thurston County, there are two nonprofit hospital systems. Their reports are linked below.
- MultiCare Capital Medical Center
- Providence St. Peter Hospital
Contact our Assessment and Evaluation team at if you have additional questions.