Jury Service
Locations for Jury Orientation
When calling 360-786-5566 to find out your call-in procedure listen carefully for the site location you need to report to:
Main Campus Courthouse - 2000 Lakeridge Drive SW, Olympia, WA 98502 Bldg 1, Room 152
Chandler Court Courtroom - 2404 Chandler Court SW, Olympia, WA 98502
Please read jury summons process below. When you are ready to respond, click the Respond link.
If you would like more information about the process, below is a list of questions, answers, information, and steps for you to take.
- You will receive the summons
Summons are mailed 4 to 6 weeks prior to your term of service. You will be directed to go to this website for further information.
- Then you will RESPOND to the summons
After reviewing all the information found on this web page, click on the RESPOND button. You will be transferred to the Jury Response Pages where you will:- Review/update your address and contact information.
- Answer qualification questions. You must be an American Citizen, a resident of Thurston County, be able to communicate in the English language.
- Please be aware that at any time the court may require you to provide documentation to support your responses.
- Complete a questionnaire. This information will be used during the jury selection process.
- You are allowed to postpone your term of service once within three months of the original summons date. You will find information about how to request an excusal from jury service, on this webpage.
- If you seek to have your service postponed or excused, you must still complete the qualification and questionnaire sections.
- For excusal requests, in addition to completing the qualification and questionnaire sections, you will be required to mail, email, or hand deliver supportive documentation to Jury Administration. You will receive a postcard advising if your request for excusal has been granted.
- Next, you will dial the jury call-in phone number
The weekend prior to your term of service, and each evening after 6 p.m. throughout your term of service, dial the jury call-in phone number 360-786-5566 and listen to the recorded message. Click the link above for information on the Call-In Procedure.
- Finally, you will report for jury service
If your group number is listed in the recorded message, you will report to the courthouse as directed. The recording will tell you the reporting time and location.
Failing to report for jury service, if directed, can result in a misdemeanor. RCW 2.36.170.
Click the "Where is the Courthouse" Option above for courthouse location and parking information.
Click the "Commonly Asked Questions" Option below for the Dress Code.
- Jury selection
At the courthouse, you will check in, be given an orientation and presentation, and then be taken to a courtroom to begin the jury selection process.
- After 6:00 p.m. on the Friday before your jury term begins, or anytime over that weekend, call to reach the Jury Information Line at 360-786-5566.
- You will hear a recorded message which lists which Group Numbers are to report to the courthouse on Monday (or Tuesday, if Monday is a legal holiday).
- If your Group Number is listed, you will be told what time to report to the courthouse as well as the specific reporting location.
- If your Group Number is NOT listed, you will be directed to call into the Jury Information Line Monday evening, after 6:00 p.m. (or Tuesday, if Monday is a legal holiday) to learn whether you are to report the following day.
- Continue to call in each evening, after 6:00 p.m., during your Term of Service to learn whether you are to report for jury service.
- Reporting times and locations vary so please listen carefully to the recorded message.
There are two steps that must be followed in order for a request for excusal from service to be considered.
STEP ONE: Complete the On-Line Response Pages (Respond link at the top of this page)
STEP TWO: Then, email, mail, fax, or hand deliver a written letter to Jury Administration citing the reason for the excusal request, along with the required supporting documents (see below).
Supportive Documentation:
Medical: Requires letter or note from your physician or health care provider. This statement does not need to include personal medical information, but simply the provider’s recommendation as to whether you should serve. The letter must include your Juror ID #, your full name, doctor’s full name and contact information, and signature. This excusal will be valid for only this term of service (12 months from summons date). If a permanent excusal is necessary, the letter from the physician or health care provider must include that language.
Financial: Requires a letter from both you and your employer. Your employer’s letter must be on company letterhead, and it must state the pay policy while serving on a jury. Your attached letter must state the financial hardship that would be placed on you. You do not need to divulge financial information. You must include your Juror ID #, your full name, employer’s name and contact information, and your signature.
Self-Employed: Please provide documentation of your business, such as a copy of your business license (not just the license number), along with your letter stating the financial hardship that would be placed on you. You do not need to give financial information.
Student: Requires a copy of your class schedule or letter from the registrar’s office.
Please call 360-754-4107 so we can reschedule during your winter, spring, or summer break.
Military: Request needs to include notification of base assignment, copy of deployment order or commander’s letter designating that the service member is mission essential in accordance with 10 USC 982. Redact your Social Security Number and any other sensitive information.
80 years of age or older: Please provide a letter that states you are at least 80 years old and unable to serve due to health reasons. You do not need to provide a doctor’s note or medical documentation. A form is available for you to use but is not required.
Other: Written requests should include your Juror ID #, your full name, and your term of service. Please remember that Washington Law recognizes no exemptions based only on a person's profession.
Jury Administration, Thurston County Superior Court
2000 Lakeridge Drive SW, Building #2
Olympia, WA 98502
Requests must be received at least FOUR business days before your term of service begins. Whether your request for excusal is granted or denied, you will receive an advisory postcard.
You may reschedule your jury term once within a two-month period.
For the date change to be effective, you first must complete the ON-LINE RESPONSE PAGES (see the RESPOND button at the top of this page).
Once at the ON-LINE RESPONSE PAGES, follow the required process outlined on each page then click on the POSTPONE tab where you will be able to indicate a date that will work better for your schedule.
If you would prefer to respond to your jury summons in writing rather than online, please call 360-754-4107 so that a full-sized paper summons can be mailed to you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Main Campus: Jurors should park in the designated jury parking lot, LOT D. This lot is on the southwest side of the courthouse complex, accessible from Lakeridge Way SW.
Chandler Court: Please do not park in the cul-de-sac. You may park in the parking lot, on Chandler Court, or Evergreen Park Drive.
You will either be asked to report to Building 1 or Building 2 at the Thurston County Courthouse. Building 1 opens at 6:00 a.m. and Building 2 opens at 8:00 a.m. You may be asked to report as early as 7:00 a.m. There will be signs posted to direct you to the correct building.
Jurors are welcome to bring their lunch, however no refrigeration is available. There are no restaurants within walking distance. You are encouraged to leave campus for the lunch period.
Buildings 2 and 3 at the Main Campus Location and the Chandler Court location have security officers and a metal detector. Everyone entering court facilities will be screened. Please do not take this personally, as it is a safety feature for all of us. It is recommended that you limit what you bring with you to the courthouse as it will save time going through security. It is recommended that you bring some reading material as there are periods of waiting. Firearms, knives and other dangerous weapons may not be taken into the courthouse.
Additional information on what to expect when visiting the courthouse.
This building complex was built more than 40 years ago. Temperatures in both buildings vary from courtroom to courtroom and waiting areas. Business casual is the dress code for jury duty and we recommend that you dress in layers. Please do not wear loungewear, beachwear, athletic wear or shorts.
You will have to go through security and storage space is limited, so please do not bring any large bags, unnecessary items, or anything that could be perceived as a weapon. Please bring a water bottle that you will be able to refill. We recommend you bring a book or something to do during down time.
Additional information on what to expect when visiting the courthouse.
It is the policy of the Superior Court to ensure that all individuals have equal and full access to the judicial system. If you need a reasonable accommodation in order to serve as a juror, please contact our offices as soon possible so that we can coordinate this need.
360-754-4107 (Jury Administrator)
7-1-1 (TTY)
or AccessibilitySuperiorCourt@co.thurston.wa.us
Additional information about the Court's ADA policies and procedures.
WARNING! Jury Scam
Jury scams target the Thurston County community.
Individuals are calling and writing people and saying they missed jury duty. They are not court staff or from the sheriff’s office. Court staff will never ask potential jurors for money or confidential information like Social Security numbers, birth dates, or bank account information over the phone, email, or mail. If you receive a phone call hang up and put away your wallet. Anyone who responded to these scams should report the incident to the police.