Policies and Procedures
Thurston County is in the process of consolidating administrative policies and procedures that apply across all Offices and Departments into a single consistent policy framework while establishing a regular cycle for review, clarification, and updates to policies.
This site is a work in progress. As policies and procedures are finalized and approved by the Board of County Commissioners, they will appear below.
List of Documents
0010 - Policy Framework Policy and Procedures
0100 - Financial Management
0200 - Procurement and Purchasing
0800 - Communications and Media
0010 - Policy Framework Policy and Procedures
0100 - Financial Management
0200 - Procurement and Purchasing
0300 - Employee Reimbursement and Travel
0400 - Human Resources
0500 - Central Services
0600 - Records Management
0700 - Information Technology
0800 - Communications and Media
0900 - Emergency Policies