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Thurston County, Washington

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Board of County Commissioners

Volunteer participation is one of the most effective ways to make a positive impact in your community, and advisory boards, commissions, and committees are vital to good government. They advise the Board of County Commissioners and county staff on policies, programs, and the many issues facing our community. 

Thank you for your interest in the advisory boards, commissions, and committees serving Thurston County.

For questions or more information, contact the Clerk of the Board.

Boards, Commissions, and Committees Profiles

Contact: Ashley Downs, WSU Extension, Community Planning & Economic Development, (360) 867-2189, 

Website: Agriculture Advisory Committee website

Authority: 1978 Citizen's Report

Bylaws: Committee Bylaws

Appointed by: Board of County Commissioners

Term length: 4 years

Term limits: N/A

Membership: Four non-farmer members representing rural residents who may be affected by county efforts to protect farmland; Seven farmer members representing a variety of (1) the agriculture commodities produced in Thurston County and (2) geographic areas of the county. Ex-officio members: the WSU Thurston County Extension Director; technical staff from the Thurston Conservation District.

Name Seat Term Start Term End
(1)  Jennifer Colvin Farmer 11/21/2023 11/21/2027
(2)  Chris Doelman Non-Farmer 07/19/2022 07/19/2024
(3)  Nathan Heay Ex-Officio (Student) 05/23/2023 05/23/2025
(4)  Gary Kline Non-Farmer 10/04/2022 10/04/2024
(5)  Patricia Labine Farmer 03/21/2023 03/21/2025
(6)  Robert McIntosh Farmer 10/04/2022 10/04/2024
(7)  Greg Schoenbachler Non-Farmer 02/14/2023 02/14/2025
(8)  Glenn Schorno Farmer 07/19/2022 07/19/2024
(9)  Stella Waxwing Non-Farmer 02/28/2023 02/28/2025
(10)  Donnie Wilcox Farmer 03/01/2024 03/01/2028
(11)  Celeste Winther, Chair Farmer 07/19/2022 07/19/2024
(12)  Jacob Yancey, Vice Chair Farmer 02/28/2023 02/28/2025
(13)  Stephen Bramwell Ex-Officio (WSU Ext.) N/A  
(14)  Sarah Moorehead Ex-Officio (Conservation District) N/A  

Contact: Jeff Bowe, Experience Olympia & Beyond, (360) 704-7544,

Website: Agritourism Advisory Committee website

Authority: Resolution 15190

Bylaws: N/A

Appointed by: Board of County Commissioners

Term length: 2 years

Term limits: N/A

Membership: Seven members of the public who may be agritourism business owners, economic development agencies, ecotourism agencies, farmers, tourism agencies, etc.

Name Seat Term Start Term End
(1)  Nathan Allan   01/28/2020 02/28/2026
(2)  John Bourdon   12/01/2015 01/30/2025
(3)  Robby Rutledge   11/27/2018 12/31/2024
(4)  George Sharp   10/19/2017 11/30/2025
(5)  Jennifer Colvin   08/29/2023 09/30/2025
(6)  Andrea Levanti   10/13/2022 09/30/2025
(7)  Mitch Lewis   07/27/2022 02/01/2026

Contact: Jessica Hodges, Area Agency on Aging, (360) 664-2168, ext. 108

Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council

Contact: Ruth Elder, Clerk/Manager, Thurston County Human Resources, (360) 786-5135

Website: Board of Equalization website

Authority: RCW 84.48; WAC 458-14; Thurston County Code 2.98

Bylaws: N/A

Appointed by: Board of County Commissioners

Term length: 3 years

Term limits: N/A

Compensation: $150 per day for each day of actual attendance by the Board of Equalization.

Membership: Three members who must reside within the County. Members must attend the Department of Revenue training within one year of appointment. Members shall not be a holder of any elective office nor be an employee of any elected official. Employees of the Assessor's Office may not serve on the Board for a period of two years after leaving employment. A basic understanding of real estate trends is helpful for new members.

Name Seat Term Start Term End
(1) Diane Pust Regular member 04/02/2024 03/01/2027
(2)  Vacant Regular member   03/01/2025
(3) John Graver Regular member 03/19/2024 03/01/2026
(4)  Ron Germeaux Alternate member 03/19/2024 03/01/2026
(5) Ted May Alternate member 03/01/2022 03/01/2025
(6)  David Saavedra Alternate member 03/19/2024 03/01/2027

Contact: Michael Mills, Chief Clerk, Thurston Regional Planning Council, (360) 741-2541, 

Website: Boundary Review Board website

Authority: RCW 36.93

Bylaws: Rules of Practice and Procedure

Appointed by: One member by the Board of County Commissioners; Two members by the Governor; One member by Mayors within the County; One member by the Boundary Review Board from nominees from Special Purpose Districts.

Term length: 4 years

Term limits: N/A

Compensation: $50 per day for each day of attendance at regular or special Board meetings, Board hearings, or other Board work.

Membership: No member may be an official or an employee of the County or a governmental unit in the County, or a consultant or adviser on a contractual or regular retained basis of the County, any governmental unit of the County, or any agency or association thereof.

Name Seat Term Start Term End
(1)  Todd Hughes Appointed by Board of County Commissioners   01/31/2027
(2)  Gary Pearson Nominated by Special Districts   02/28/2027
(3)  Reverend Zahid Chaudhry Appointed by the Governor   01/31/2027
(4)  Michael Marchand Appointed by Mayors   01/31/2025
(5)  Lance 'Cap' Caputo Appointed by the Governor   01/31/2025

Contact: Kimberly Grable, Clerk of the Commission, Thurston County Human Resources, (360) 786-5451,  

Website: Citizens' Commission on Salaries for Elected Officials website

Authority: RCW 36.17; Code 2.118

Bylaws: N/A

Appointed by: Board of County Commissioners

Term length: 4 years

Term limits: 2 terms

Membership: Ten members as follows: (1) Six of the ten commission members (two members living in each Commissioner's district) shall be selected by lot by the County Auditor from among registered voters. (2) Four of the ten commission members must be a resident of Thurston County and shall have had experience in the field of personnel management. Of these four members, one shall be selected from each of the following: business, professional personnel management, legal professional and organized labor. Members may not include any officer, official or employee of Thurston County or any of their immediate family members.

Name Seat Term Start Term End
(1)  Megan Walsh District 1   03/31/2025
(2)  Judith Oliver District 1   04/25/2027
(3)  William Thomas District 2   04/25/2027
(4)  Melissa Maanoa District 2   03/31/2025
(5)  Dominic Davis District 3   03/31/2025
(6)  Mark Grindstaff District 3   04/25/2027
(7)  Vacant Organized Labor   03/31/2025
(8)  Cary Randow Business Representative   04/25/2027
(9)  Kurt Hardin Professional Personnel Management   03/31/2027
(10) Vacant  Legal Professional   01/24/2027

Contact: Wayne Jones, Chief Examiner, (360) 786-5249, 

Website: Civil Service website

Authority: RCW 41.14

Bylaws: Civil Service Rules

Appointed by: Board of County Commissioners

Term length: 6 years

Term limits: N/A

Membership: Three members who must be a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County for at lease two years immediately preceding his or her appointment, and an elector of the County.  At the time of appointment not more than two Civil Service Commissioners shall be adherents of the same political party.

Name Seat Term Start Term End
(1)  Jennifer Roberts, Chair Political Affiliation: Unaffiliated 01/29/2019 01/29/2025
(2)  Tina Browning Political Affiliation:  05/21/2024 02/16/2027
(3)  John Martin Political Affiliation: Independent 01/17/2023 01/17/2029

Contact: Doreena Baird, Thurston County Assessor's Office, (360) 867-2210

Website: N/A

Authority: RCW 84.34, Code 2.110

Bylaws: N/A

Appointed by: Board of County Commissioners

Term length: 1 year

Term limits: N/A. Members may serve until a successor is appointed.

Membership: Five members representing the active farming community.

Name Seat Term Start Term End
(1)  Jeff Van Lierop   2002 December 13, 2024
(2)  Kevin Cornell   December 13, 2022 December 13, 2024
(3)  Joseph Gabiou   December 13, 2022 December 13, 2024
(4)  Christy Kriegsman, Chair   December 13, 2022 December 13, 2024
(5)  Robert Odermann   December 13, 2022 December 13, 2024

Contact: Thomasina Cooper, Fair and Event Center Manager, Community Planning and Economic Development, (360) 786-5453, 

Website: Fair Board website

Authority: Thurston County Code 2.48


Appointed by: Board of County Commissioners

Term length: District members: 4-year terms.  At-Large members: Positions 7-11 serve 4-year terms; Positions 12-16 serve 2-year terms.  Youth members: 1-year terms.

Term limits: N/A. May serve until successor is appointed.

Membership: Two from each of the three Board of County Commissioner districts (positions 1-6) who reside and represent said district; Ten members At-Large (positions 7-16) who represent Thurston County; Three youth positions (17-19) filled by one each representing 4-H Club(s), FFA, and Open Class Youth.

*Due to the transition from a three member to five member Board of County Commissioners (Board), the Board is considering proposed changes to the Fair Board membership as the Fair Board is apportioned by Commissioner districts.

Name Seat Term Start Term End
(1)  Kathie McWaid District 1 08/31/2019 08/31/2027
(2)  Paul Longwell, President District 1, At-Large 03/01/2018 08/31/2026
(3)  Heidi Thomsen, Secretary District 2 08/2007 08/31/2026
(4)  Kya Ramirez, Vice President District 2, At-Large 08/2019 08/31/2025
(5)  Vacant District 3    
(6)  Meren Gadman District 3, At-Large 05/21/2024 08/31/2028
(7)  Larry Mahan District 4 10/11/2022 08/31/2025
(8)  Lance McElroy District 4, At-Large 09/19/2023 08/31/2027
(9)  Don Wadsen District 5 10/09/2029 08/31/2026
(10)  Theresa Reid District 5, At-Large 02/04/2008 08/31/2027
(11)  Vacant At-Large, District 5   08/31/2028
(12)  Oscar Hernandez At-Large, District 4 09/19/2023 08/31/2027
(13)  Mike Rendon At-Large, District 1 08/06/2019 08/31/2026
(14)  Linsey Lyons At-Large, District 2 09/19/2023 08/31/2028
(15)  Justin Wikoff At-Large, District 2 09/19/2023 08/31/2028
(16)  Mikhail Cherniske At-Large, District 1 09/19/2023 08/31/2028
(17)  Vacant Youth At-Large (4-H)   03/19/2025
(18)  Kolton Nash Youth At-Large (FFA) 03/19/2024 03/19/2025
(19)  Trinity Short Youth At-Large (Open Class) 03/19/2024 03/19/2025
(20) Vacant Ex-Officio   08/31/2027

Contact: Sonja Cady, Land Use Clerk, Community Planning and Economic Development (CPED), (360) 786-2117,

Website: Historic Commission website

Authority: Thurston County Code 2.106.010

Bylaws: N/A

Appointed by:  Board of County Commissioners

Term length: 4 years for primary members; 3 years for alternate members.

Term limits: N/A

Membership: Representative of a variety of historical perspectives in various geographic areas of the County. At least three members who are professionally trained from among the following fields: history, architectural history, historic preservation, planning, cultural anthropology, archeology, cultural geography, American studies, or other historic preservation related discipline. One member shall be from one of the following professions: real estate appraisal; finance/banking; law, especially real estate law. One member from each city and town which is entered into an agreement to have the historic commission perform similar duties within the city or town. Such members shall be appointed by the mayor of the city or town. These members may only vote on matters within the city jurisdiction. Remaining members shall consist of citizens who have professional or demonstrated vocational interest and involvement in historic preservation.

Name Seat Term Start Term End
(1)  Robert Kirkwood Professional Engineer for Historic Structures 04/27/2010 03/21/2027
(2)  David Petrich   08/30/2022 08/30/2026
(3)  Chris Hoffman   02/15/2022 05/30/2024
(4)  Charles Roe

Lawyer; Former Olympia Historical Society

and Bigelow House Museum member

06/17/2024 06/30/2026
(5)  Troy Wilson Anthropologist 05/23/2023 05/31/2027
(6)  Rebecca Sanchez   08/30/2022 08/30/2026
(7)  Bill Lindstrom   02/16/2021 05/30/2024
(8)  Grace Edwards   01/14/2020 02/28/2027
(9)  Charles Gloyd   06/20/2023 06/20/2027
(10)  Ira Kitmacher   01/09/2024 12/21/2027
(11)  Vacant At-Large    
(12)  Vacant At-Large    
(13)  Vacant Alternate - District 1    
(14)  Vacant Alternate - District 2    
(15)  Vacant Alternate - District 3    

Contact: Craig Chance, Housing Authority of Thurston County, (360) 918-5828

Housing Authority Commission.pdf

Contact: Leah Landon, Criminal Justice Regional Program Manager, Thurston County Commissioners Office, (360) 786-5440,

Website: Law & Justice Council website

Authority: RCW 72.09.300

Bylaws: Law & Justice Council Charter

Appointed by: Statute and Board of County Commissioners

Term length: 3 years for those requiring appointment by the Board of County Commissioners.

Term limits: N/A

Membership: 911 TCOMM Services Director; Chief of Thurston County Corrections; Director of Thurston County Pretrial Services; Director of Thurston County Public Defense; Director of Thurston County Public Health & Social Services; Municipal Court Judge, City of Olympia; Municipal Prosecutor, Designated; Municipal Public Defense; Police Chiefs of the cities of: Lacey, Olympia, Tenino, Tumwater, Yelm; Representatives of: Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis, JBLM / Military, Lacey City Council, Nisqually Tribe, Rainier City Council, Squaxin Island Tribe, Tenino City Council, Thurston County Racial Equity Council, Tumwater City Council, Washington Dept. of Children, Youth, and Families, Washington Dept. of Corrections, Yelm City Council; County Clerk; County Commissioner; County Coroner; County Criminal Justice Regional Program Manager; County District Court; County Juvenile Court Administrator; County Prosecuting Attorney; County Risk Manager; County Sheriff; County Superior Court.


Name Seat Term Start Term End
(1)  Jon Tunheim, Chair Thurston County Prosecuting Attorney Appointed  
(2)  Patrick O'Connor, Vice Chair Director of Thurston County Public Defense Appointed  
(3)  Andy Scroggs Washington Dept. of Corrections Appointed  
(4)  Carrie Hennen Director of Thurston County Pretrial Services Appointed  
(5)  Chief Robert Almada Municipal Police Chief - Lacey Appointed  
(6)  Chief Rich Allen Municipal Police Chief - Olympia Appointed  
(7)  Chief Trevor Davis Chief of Thurston County Corrections Appointed  
(8)  Commissioner Emily Clouse Thurston County Commissioner (District 3) Appointed  
(9)  Councilmember Angela Jefferson Tumwater City Council Appointed  
(10)  Mayor Dontae Payne Olympia Mayor Appointed  
(11)  Councilmember Michael Steadman Lacey City Council Appointed  
(12)  Councilmember Terri Kaminski Yelm City Council Appointed  
(13)  David Bayne Director of Thurston County Public Health and Social Services Appointed  
(14)  Gary Warnock Thurston County Coroner Appointed  
(15)  Judge Kalo Wilcox Thurston County District Court Appointed  

(16)  Judge Mary Sue Wilson/

Judge John Skinder

Thurston County Superior Court Appointed  
(17)  Judge Pam Nogueira Municipal Court Judge - Olmpia Appointed  
(18)  Vacant  (Community Based Organization)    
(19)  Linda Myhre-Enlow Thurston County Clerk Appointed  
(20)  Sheriff Derek Sanders Thurston County Sheriff Appointed  
(21)  Vacant  (Community Based Organization)    
(22)  Tammy Devlin  Thurston County Risk Manager Appointed  
(23)  Ted Bryan Thurston County Juvenile Court Appointed  
(24)  Theodore Solonar JBLM / Military Representative Appointed  


Contact: Jennica Machado, Economic Development Manager, Commissioners Office, (360) 786-5440,

Website: Lodging Tax Advisory Committee website

Authority: RCW 67.28.1817

Bylaws: N/A

Appointed by: Board of County Commissioners

Term length: TBD

Term limits: N/A

Membership: At least two members who are representatives of businesses required to collect tax under RCW 67.28.1817; and at least two members who are persons involved in activities authorized to be funded by revenue received under RCW 67.28.1817. The number of members who are representatives of businesses required to collect tax under this chapter shall equal the number of members who are involved in activities authorized to be funded by revenue received under RCW 67.28.1817. One member shall be an elected official of the municipality who shall serve as chair of the committee.

Name Seat Term Start Term End
(1)  Annette Pitts Business Representative (Experience Olympia & Beyond)    
(2)  Allen T. Pogue Business Representative (Offut Lake Resort)    
(3)  Carrie Lerund Funded Activities Representative (Columbus Park Campground)    
(4)  Kathy McWaid Funded Activities Representative (Thurston County Fair Board)    
(5)  Commissioner Wayne Fournier, Chair Elected Official    

Contact: Sandra Bush, Thurston County Emergency Services, (360) 704-2784, 

Medic One EMS Council

Contact: Tim Wilson, Noxious Weed Control Coordinator, Public Works, (360) 786-5831,

Website: Noxious Weed Control Board website

Authority: RCW 17.10.050

Bylaws: Noxious Weed Control Board Rules and Regulations

Appointed by: Board of County Commissioners

Term length: 4 years

Term limits: N/A. May serve until reappointment or appointment of successor.

Membership: Five voting members each of whom reside in and represent one of the five county weed districts. Four of the five voting members must be engaged in primary production of agricultural products. One non-voting member shall be the Chief County Extension Agent or extension agent appointed by the Chief County Extension Agent.

Name Seat Term Start Term End
(1)  Carol Piening, Chair District 1 11/01/2023 10/31/2027
(2)  David Mills, Co-Chair District 2 11/01/2023 10/31/2027
(3)  Paul Thomsen, Co-Chair District 3 11/01/2023 10/31/2027
(4)  Vacant District 4    
(5)  Vacant District 5    
(6)  Stephen Bramwell WSU Thurston County Extension Appointed  

Contact: Vanessa Wasman, Pacific Mountain Workforce Consortium, (360) 570-4232

Pacific Mountain Workforce Development Council.pdf

Contact: IPM Coordinator, Public Health and Social Services - Environmental Health, (360) 867-2664,

Website: Pesticides & Integrated Pest Management website

Authority: Pest and Vegetation Management Policy

Bylaws: N/A

Appointed by: Board of Health. Vacancies are appointed by the Board of County Commissioners.

Term length: Not specified.

Term limits: N/A

Membership: Up to nine members. Two or three members representing agriculture and two or three members representing environmental interests. Members may also include experts in toxicology and representation from relevant state agencies.

Name Seat Term Start Term End
(1)  Mark Emrich Agriculture Prior to 2000 N/A
(2)  Jeff Britt Agriculture Prior to 2000 N/A
(3)  Billy Olesen Agriculture 01/17/2023 N/A
(4)  Phyllis Farrell Environment 05/10/2016 N/A
(5)  Scott Morrison Environment Prior to 2000 N/A
(6)  Laurie Gneiding Environment 12/12/2023 N/A
(7)  Matt Johns General Prior to 2000 N/A
(8)  Jack Merrigan General Prior to 2000 N/A
(9)  Doug Karman General 05/14/2017 N/A

Contact: Ashley Arai, Community Planning and Economic Development (CPED), (360) 786-5476,

Website: Planning Commission website

Authority: RCW 35.63; Code 2.04

Bylaws: Rules of Procedure

Appointed by: Board of County Commissioners

Term length: 4 years

Term limits: N/A

Membership: Two members nominated by each County Commissioner, with one who resides in that Commissioner's district at the time of appointment. Members shall be selected without respect to political affiliation.

Name Seat Term Start Term End
(1)  Derek Day, Chair District 1 05/10/2022 12/31/2026
(2)  Daniel Bumbarger District 1, At-Large 01/01/2024 12/31/2025
(3)  Barry Halverson District 2 01/18/2022 01/18/2028
(4)  Eric Casino District 2, At-Large 11/12/2019 12/31/2024
(5)  Joel Hansen, Vice Chair District 3 01/19/2022 12/31/2024
(6)  Sandy Kaiser District 3 12/12/2023 12/31/2026
(7)  Scott Nelson District 4 02/06/2006 12/31/2024
(8)  Bill Fishburn District 4, At-Large 01/01/2024 12/31/2024
(9)  Kevin Pestinger District 5 06/01/2021 12/31/2025
(10)  Colin Bartlett District 5, At-Large 01/01/2024 12/31/2025

Contact: Peri Edmonds, City of Lacey, (360) 486-8704

Public Facilities District.pdf

Contact: Devi Ogden, Racial Equity Program Manager, (360) 786-5440, 

Website: Racial Equity Inclusion Council website

Authority: Resolution 16097

Bylaws: N/A

Appointed by: Board of County Commissioners

Term length: 3 years

Term limits: 2 terms

Membership: TBD

Contact: Laura Glover, Solid Waste Planner, Public Works, 360-867-2385, 

Website: Solid Waste Advisory Committee website

Authority: RCW 70A.205.110 and Thurston County Code 8.22 

Bylaws: Solid Waste Advisory Committee bylaws

Appointed by: Statute and the Board of County Commissioners

Term length: 3 years

Term limits: N/A

Membership: One county Commissioner or appointee; One elected official or appointee from each of the municipalities participating in the most current solid waste management plan; One member from the Port Commission; one member representing private business; One waste collection/hauling representative; One recycling industry representative; and three citizen representatives, one each from the unincorporated jurisdiction of each Commissioner district to represent a balance of other interests including environment, educational and general public interests.

Name Seat Term Start Term End
(1)  Commissioner Gary Edwards Elected Official - Thurston County   01/2027
(2)  Councilmember Lisa Parshley Elected Official - City of Olympia   03/2025
(3)  Councilmember Nicolas Dunning Elected Official - City of Lacey   02//2027
(4)  Vacant Elected Official - City of Rainier    
(5)  Councilmember Elaine Klamn Elected Official - City of Tenino   03/2025
(6)  Councilmember Joan Cathey Elected Official - City of Tumwater   01/2025
(7)  Councilmember Trevor Palmer Elected Official - City of Yelm   08/2026
(8)  Councilmember Kiersten Presley Elected Official - Town of Bucoda   03/2027
(9)  Vacant (Resident) Citizen Representative   07/2024
(10)  Renee Radcliff Sinclair (Resident) Citizen Representative - District 3   05/2025
(11)  Commissioner Amy Evans Harding (Public Interest Groups) Port of Olympia   05/2025
(12)  David Nightingale, Chair Business Representative   02/2025
(13)  Arin Robertson (Waste Management Industry) Waste Collection Representative   01/2027
(14)  Chad Sutter (Waste Management Industry) Recycling Industry Representative   08/2026
(15)  Greg Schoenbachler, Vice Chair Agricultural Representative   08/2026

Contact: Rose Enos-Weedmark, Timberland Regional Library, (360) 943-5001

Timberland Regional Library Board of Trustees.pdf

TRL Board Application Questionnaire.pdf

Contact: Chelyn Sowers, TST Program Manager, Public Health and Social Services, (360) 490-7363,

Website: Treatment Sales Tax Advisory Committee website

Authority: Code 5.49

Bylaws: Operating Policies and Procedures

Appointed by: Board of County Commissioners

Term length: 3 years

Term limits: N/A

Membership: Seven to nine members. Members shall have an interest in services and programs for Thurston County residents with mental health or substance abuse issues.  Members will have no commitment, investment, obligation, or involvement (financial or otherwise), in any agency contracting with, submitting any proposals to, or is expected to submit any proposals to the Treatment Sales Tax Fund.

Name Seat Term Start Term End
(1)  Priscilla Terry   03/2020; 03/2023 12/2025
(2)  Bob Jones   04/2019; 05/2022 12/2024
(3)  Tonia McClanahan   05/2022 12/2024
(4)  Sarah DeStasio   05/2022 12/2024
(5)  Ali Abid   03/2023 12/2025
(6)  Rachel Dreon   03/2023 12/2025
(7)  Jennifer Creighton   01/2024 12/2026
(8)  Garrett Cady   01/2024 12/2026
(9)  Diana Cockrell   01/2024 12/2026

Contact: Mark Moffett, Public Health and Social Services, (360) 867-2597,

Website: Veterans Advisory Board website

Authority: RCW 73.08; Thurston County Code 2.122

Bylaws: N/A

Appointed by: Board of County Commissioners

Term length: 3 years

Term limits: N/A

Membership: Fifteen members who are veterans and residents of the County. A majority of members must be elected officers or members of nationally recognized veterans' organizations located in Thurston County as evidenced by written notice from the organization.

Name Seat Term Start Term End
(1)  William Powell Veteran - Nationally recognized organization 10/01/2018; 10/01/2021 09/30/2024
(2)  Liza Narciso Veteran - Nationally recognized organization 08/01/2018; 08/01/2021 08/01/2024
(3)  Griselda Aria Veteran - Nationally recognized organization 05/21/2024 10/01/2024
(4)  Brandon Frawley Veteran - Nationally recognized organization 10/01/2020; 11/21/2023 11/21/2026
(5)  Vacant     11/01/2024
(6)  Ronda Wilkinson Sutton Veteran - Nationally recognized organization 10/18/2022 10/18/2025
(7)  Kenneth Bourque Veteran 10/18/2022 12/01/2024
(8)  Scott Frazier Veteran - Nationally recognized organization 05/02/2023 05/02/2026
(9)  Anthony Moye Veteran - Nationally recognized organization 05/02/2023 05/02/2026
(10)  Thomas Russell-Tutty Veteran - Nationally recognized organization 06/01/2024 06/01/2027
(11) Mathew Bergendahl Veteran - Nationally recognized organization 06/01/2024 06/01/2027
(12)  Ryan Hickerson Veteran - Nationally recognized organization 06/01/2024 06/01/2027
(13)  Poe Liufau Veteran - Nationally recognized organization 06/01/2024 06/01/2027
(14) Kris Mathers Veteran - Nationally recognized organization 06/01/2024 06/01/2027
(15)  Kristopher Ottman Veteran - Nationally recognized organization 06/01/2024 06/01/2027

Contact: Andrew Deffobis, Interim Community Planning Manager, Thurston County Community Planning & Economic Development, 360-786-5467,

Website: Water Resources Advisory Board

Authority: Established by Resolution #TBD (replacing Resolution 9514)

Bylaws: N/A

Appointed by: Board of County Commissioners

Term length: 1-4 years (staggering appointments)

Term limits: N/A

Membership: Two members At-Large nominated by each Commissioner who shall reside or own real property in Thurston County; Two members At-Large selected by the full Board of County Commissioners who may be residents of Thurston County, own real property in Thurston County, or provide specific expertise deemed necessary by the Board of County Commissioners.  The Board of County Commissioners may accept additional members nominated by indigenous tribes who have usual and accustomed areas within Thurston County or its tidelands.

Name Seat Term Start Term End
(1)  Vacant      
(2)  Vacant      
(3)  Vacant      
(4)  Vacant      
(5)  Vacant      
(6)  Vacant      
(7)  Vacant      
(8)  Vacant      
(9)  Vacant      
(10)  Vacant      
(11)  Vacant      
(12)  Vacant