Useful Information and Frequently Asked Questions
The Sheriff's Office provides a wide range of services to the citizens of Thurston County.
This page contains useful information about services, and answers some commonly asked questions of the Sheriff's Office.
Click here for the County Code Chapter 16.04 regarding boating.
Thurston County has regulations established regarding recreational boating on all Thurston County lakes and marine waters patrolled by the Marine Services Unit of the Thurston County Sheriff’s Office.
Education is one of the most important aspects of boating safely and responsibly. As the operator you are responsible not only for operating the vessel safely but also for having the required safety equipment on board and in good working condition. Becoming familiar with the regulations for your vessel and making sure your vessel is properly equipped will help you prepare for a safe and fun boating season.
State law requires boat operators 35 years and younger to carry a Washington State Boater Education card when operating a vessel of 15 horsepower or more in Washington waterways. Additional information about Washington’s Mandatory Boater Education requirement or when the next course may be offered in Thurston County can be obtained online at
Basic things to remember before heading out…….
• Make sure your vessel is currently licensed and in good working condition
• Safety equipment requirements are based on vessel type and size. Make sure your vessel is properly equipped
• Must have one wearable (of appropriate size) US Coast Guard approved personal floatation device for each person on board the vessel
• Children 12 and under are required to wear life jackets on vessels 19 feet and under
• Make sure the vessel is equipped with a sound producing device (e.g. blow whistle or horn)
• If towing a person, there must be two people on board the vessel and a bright red or orange skier down flag
• Know the speed limit and skiing times of the lake your visiting
• Stay 200 feet from all shorelines, boat launch and swim areas and 100 feet from all other vessels while operating over five miles per hour
• You must be at least 16 years of age to operate a personal watercraft legally
• Must carry a Washington State Boater Education card
• Be aware of your surroundings and courteous to others when operating a vessel
• No drugs or alcohol. It is illegal to operate a vessel while under the influence of alcohol or drugs
• If you have questions you may contact Lt. Ray Brady at (360)754-3343.
Applicants must be at least 18 years old.
All riders must be properly attired with care given to personal hygiene. Shorts (any style), torn jeans, tank tops, baseball caps, and open toed/heel footwear will not be acceptable.
Applications for a citizen ride-a-long are obtained in two different ways:
• Picked up at the front desk 8:30am - 12:00pm and 1:00pm - 4:00pm, Monday - Friday excluding holidays.
Complete the application form and mail or deliver it to:
Thurston County Sheriff’s Office
2000 Lakeridge Dr SW
Olympia, WA 98502Or you may FAX it to: 786-5275.
If your request is granted, you will receive a call to schedule a ride.

VINELink is the online version of VINE (Victim Information and Notification Everyday), the National Victim Notification Network.
This service allows crime victims to obtain timely and reliable information about criminal cases and the custody status of offenders 24 hours a day. Some states have the ability to display this website in Spanish. Victims and other concerned citizens can also register to be notified by phone, email, text message (SMS) or TTY device when an offender's custody status changes.
This program is endorsed by the Thurston County Sheriff’s Office (TCSO) and the Washington Association of Sheriff’s and Police Chiefs (WASPC).
Click here to continue:
Personal Disaster Preparedness Supply Kit
Following a man-made or natural disaster, local officials and relief workers will be overwhelmed with responsibilities and will not be able to reach everyone immediately. The Thurston County Sheriff’s Office has prepared this list of needed supplies to assist you for the initial 72 hours, (or longer) following a disaster:
Flashlight with extra batteries
Do not use candles or any other open flame for emergency lighting.
Battery-powered radio
News about the emergency may change rapidly as events unfold. Radio reports will give information about the areas most affected.
Enough non-perishable food to sustain you for at least three (3) days (three meals per day), is suggested. Select foods that require no refrigeration, preparation or cooking, and little or no water. Store foods in sturdy, airtight containers. The following items are suggested:
• Ready-to-eat canned meals, meats, fruits, and vegetables
• Canned juices
• High-energy foods (granola bars, energy bars, peanut butter, trail mix etc.)
• Hard candies, cookies, crackers
• Water
Keep at least one gallon of water per person, per day. Store water in plastic containers such as soft drink bottles.
First Aid Supplies
(20) Adhesive bandages various sizes
(1) 5” x 9” sterile dressing
(1) Roll gauze bandage
(2) Triangular bandages
(2) 3 x 3 sterile gauze pads
(2) 4 x 4 sterile gauze pads
(1) Roll 3” cohesive bandage
(2) Germicidal hand wipes or waterless alcohol-based hand sanitizer
(6) Antiseptic wipes
(2) Pair medical grade non-latex gloves
Adhesive tape, 2” width.
Anti-bacterial ointment.
Cold pack.
CPR breathing barrier, such as a face shield
Tools and Supplies
• Emergency “space” blanket
• Paper plates and cups, plastic utensils
• Non-electric can opener
• Personal hygiene items, including a toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, brush, soap, and feminine supplies
• Plastic garbage bags, ties (for personal sanitation uses)
• Include at least one complete change of clothing and footwear, including a long sleeved shirt and long pants, as well as closed-toed shoes or boots
• Whistle or other sound producing device
• Wrench to shut off gas & water supplies
• Fire Extinguisher
Include usual non-prescription medications that you take, including pain relievers, stomach remedies, etc. If you use prescription medications, keep at least three-day’s supply of these medications. Consult with your physician or pharmacist how these medications should be stored.
Additional Supplies
• Please be sure you are familiar with and know how to safely handle the firearm
• Prior instruction is strongly suggested
• Store firearms out of the reach of children and in a combination lock box
• Store ammunition separately from the firearm
• For additional safety information, visit:
General Information
The above information is meant simply as a guideline, and does not include everything you may find necessary. Your complete Disaster Preparedness Kit should consist of everything you and your family will need to survive the initial 72 hours, or longer, following a disaster.
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Task Force
A multi-disciplinary and multi-system based group working together to prevent sexual and domestic violence in our community. (Click the picture)
Domestic Violence - What You Need To Know
An in-depth presentation of all aspects of domestic violence - what it is, who it affects, and what to do about it.
Valuable contact information for help, and statistics showing the extent and impact of this violence.
Click the picture to view the slideshow. [NEEDS PICTURE]
(PDF, 575 KB)
2008 Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Report Card
Thurston County, with assistance and funding from the United States Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office on Violence Against Women conducted an audit of criminal justice systems and practices in 2003-2005.
Click the picture to view the report card. [NEEDS PICTURE]
(PDF, 54 KB)
Fingerprinting services are offered by appointment only. To schedule an appointment please select the "Apply for Fingerprinting HERE" link above. This service is offered during normal business hours, Monday - Friday. Photo identification is required (driver's license, passport, etc.) at the time of service. Please refer to the Fee Schedule for fingerprinting fees.
We provide inkless (digitally scanned) fingerprints on an FBI FD-258 card, unless provided with fingerprint card. If you require ink fingerprints, you will need to contact another fingerprinting service provider or visit the Washington State Patrol's office in Olympia.
It will be your responsibility to submit the fingerprint card(s) to the requesting agency or business.
Click here to view the Washington State RCW 76.48 regarding specialized forest products
Permits to transport or harvest Specialized Forest Products can be obtained and /or validated 9:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m., M-F excluding holidays.
Harvest location must be in Thurston County for our office to validate a permit.
Incomplete permits will not be validated.
Information required on permit:
• Names, addresses, and Telephone Numbers of both the permittor and permittee
• Legal description of harvest property to include section township, and range
• Local Landmark
• Type of forest product to be harvested and quantity
• Expiration date
• Signatures of both the permittor and permittee
Here is a list of missing persons bulletins
If you have seen or have any information regarding the whereabouts of any of these people, please contact the Thurston County Sheriff's Office at (360) 786-5530 or call 911.
Firearms Discharge Ordinance/ Restricted Areas:
To review the “Shooting Areas”, please click the following links:Firearms Discharge County Codes:
• Chapter 6.68.055 regarding Consumer Fireworks
• Chapter 10.76.290 regarding Weapons, Fireworks, and Explosives
Washington State RCW:
Noise Ordinance:
The Thurston County Sheriff’s Office, in compliance with RCW 7.98, establishes the following protocols for accepting U and T Visa Certification requests:
Application forms must be submitted via U.S Mail to:
• Attn: U and T Visa Certification 2000 Lakeridge Dr SW, Olympia WA 98502
Forms shall be pre-filled with supporting documentation included.
Questions related to U and T Visa Certification can be sent to:
Additional information for victims of crime can be found at the Washington State Department of Commerce, Office of Crime Victim Advocacy at: