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Thurston County, Washington

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Public Health and Social Services

Individuals can review current Thurston County food safety inspection scores below to see how restaurants in the area performed on their most recent inspections. 

If you suspect you have a foodborne illness, report it to us right away. Make a food complaint here

What is FINS?


Food Borne Illness Notification System (FINS) in shape of Shark

This webpage will be updated weekly on Fridays by 12:00pm. 

Ben Thanh Market - 7255 Martin Way E

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Grocery Stores & Confectionaries 9/11/2024 5 2 7 #14- Raw Meats Away from RTE Food; Species Separated
#48- Physical Facilities Properly Installed, Maintained, Cleaned
Raw meat, atosa 2-door cold hold: 39 Degrees F
Meat/Produce, open air cold hold: 38 Degrees F
Balut, room temperature: 68 Degrees F
Meat/dairy, walk-in cold hold: 40 Degrees F
#14- Ground raw product stored above whole/cut raw meat. Raw meats shall be stored according to cooking temperatures re-arrange products according to cooking temperatures.
#48- Water damage present along south ceiling. Physical facilities shall be kept in good repair. Replace damaged tiles (and potentially address course of damage) within 6 months.
*Balut eggs shall be refrigerated upon receiving them. Future findings will result in a #19 violation.

Kozy's Southbay In & Out - 3425 Shinke Road NE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment (Deli) 9/11/2024 35 0 35 #19- No Room Temperature Storage
#21- Proper Cold Holding Temperatures

Cut lettuce at prep unit top at 48 Degrees F.
Hot dog at true 2 door at 48 Degrees F.
Cut tomatoes at prep unit at top at 44-45 Degrees F.
Beef Patty at 5 pt. cook temp at 160-179 Degrees F.
Garlic in oil at RTS
Soft serve mix at machine at 44 Degrees F.
#19- Garlic in oil mixture - store bought garlic in oil that PIC adds olive oil to that is stored at room temperature. TCS foods shall be maintained under time as a control for safety. Correction: PIC discarded, repeat-CDI. Submit plan to ensure garlic in oil mixture is property maintained within 10 days.
#21- Cut lettuce and cut tomatoes at more that 41 Degrees F. in prep unit. Cut lettuce and hot dogs at more that 41 Degrees in the 2 door refrigerator. TCS foods shall be cold held at 41 Degrees or lower. Correction: Ensure that produce is cooled prior to placing in prep.
2 Door unit may need to be served.
Date marking is now required
make sure that HW sink is properly stocked at all times.

Hong Phat Market - 1107 College Street SE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Meat Market 9/11/2024 30 28 58 #01- PIC Certified by Accredited Program or Compliance with Code
#13- Surfaces and Utensils Used for Raw Meat Cleaned and Sanitized
#14- Raw Meats Away from RTE Food; Species Separated
#22- Accurate Thermometer Provided for PHF
#30- Proper Thawing Methods Used
#33- Potential Food Contamination Prevented
#34- Wiping Cloths Properly Used, Stored
#37- In-use Utensils Properly Stored
#41- Warewashing Facilities Properly Installed, Maintained, Used; Test Strips
#44- Plumbing Properly Sized, Installed, and Maintained
#48- Physical Facilities Properly Installed, Maintained, Cleaned
Frozen meats in freezers-frozen.
Meats, open display at 40-41 Degrees F.
Meat in walk in at 40 Degrees F.
meat on ice at frozen temperature

#1-PIC unknowledgeable of cold holding temperature requirements, PIC not performing duties to maintain AMC of risk factors.
Correction: PIC to perform duties to maintain AMC of risk factors.
#13- Food contact surfaces improperly cleaned. meat grinder dirty with visible food debris after being cleaned. Meat saw improperly cleaned, absent wash and rinse procedures. Correction: Properly wash with hot soapy water and rinse with clean water and sanitize and air dry.
#14- Species improperly stored. Correction: Prevent potential contamination, store animal species by cooking temperature. e.g. chicken below fish.
#22- Unit thermometers inaccurate, thermometers not utilized for internal temps. Correction: Ensure accurate unit thermometers and utilize food thermometer to take internal food temps. daily, and provide and use.
#30- Improper thawing Pig ears thawing at room temperature on shelf. Correction: thaw by approved methods only. Reviewed 4 approved methods.
#33- Potential contamination during display self serve seafood cooler absent protection from potential contamination. with a guard or cover.
#37- In use utensil handles contacting food. Correction: Prevent potential contamination by storing utensils properly.
#41- Ware washing facilities improperly used as food prep sink. Correction: use ware washing sink for ware washing only, until food sink properly w/s/s/ad sink between uses.
#44- Inadequate plumbing, food prep sink absent in meat department. Between used 3 basin may be used. Provide risk control plan by 9/16/24.
#48- Physical facilities improperly installed and improperly installed and cleared. Shelves absent six inch clearance from color to allow clearing. walk in and freezer with excessive food debris card board through out facilities as surfaces. Correction: provide smooth non absorbent easily cleanable surfaces. Note: flooring to be reviewed in the next inspection

Candlewood Suites - 4440 3RD AVE SE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Grocery Stores & Confectioneries 9/11/2024 10 0 10 #06- Adequate Handwashing Facilities
Two-door refrigerator: Milk, yogurt: 39 Degrees and 40 Degrees F
Cheese, ham, crackers: 40 Degrees F and 41 Degrees F
Clorox wipes in place
#6- Hand washing sink has evidence of utensils, and coffee cups stored in it. PIC removed objects from handwashing sink. Handwashing sink must be accessible and free from objects and solely used for handwashing.

Hong Phat Market - 1107 College Street SE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Grocery Stores & Confectionaries 9/11/2024 60 20 80 #01- PIC Certified by Accredited Program or Compliance with Code
#09- Proper Washing of Fruits and Vegetables
#19- No Room Temperature Storage
#21- Proper Cold Holding Temperatures
#22- Accurate Thermometer Provided for PHF
#26- Compliance With Risk Control Plan, Variance, Plan of Operation; Valid Permit
#31- Food Properly Labeled
#34- Wiping Cloths Properly Used, Stored
#40- Food and Nonfood Surfaces Properly Used and Constructed; Cleanable
#42- Food-Contact Surfaces Maintained, Cleaned, Sanitized
Fish cake open display refrigerator at 44 Degrees F.
Soybean cake at display at refrigerator at 44 Degrees F.
Bok choy at open display at 42-44 Degrees F.
Balut, on floor in packages at room temperature.
#1- PIC unknowledgeable of food safety TCS cold holding requirements, AMC not maintained. Correction PIC to demonstrate knowledge, perform duties to maintain AMC.
Note: see WAC 246-215 Pages from 18-19 for PIC responsibilities.
#9- Improper washing of fruits and vegetables. Cut produce not properly washed before being cut. Correction: Properly wash produce before cutting. utilize gloves and proper handwashing.
#21- Improper cold holding of TCS foods in refrigeration at or below 41 Degrees F. Take temperatures daily.
#22- Inaccurate thermometers, unit thermometers improperly functioning. Correction: repair or replace.
#26- Non compliance with permit conditions. As food is prepared and rinsed and cut a medium risk is permitted and required. Facility operations exceed min. grocery permit. Correction: Complete risk category charge form.
#31- Improper labeling items make in house absent labels repackaged items absent labels.
Correction: Provide proper labels or make available behind counter.
#34- Sanitizer not make at time of inspection. Correction: Provide and maintain solution.
#40- Produce area counters in disrepair. Correction: Repair or replace counters. Submit repair/replace for materials approval.
#42- Food prep sink dirty. Correction: clean and maintain.

Ben Thanh Market - 7255 Martin Way E

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Meat Market 9/11/2024 60 13 73 #01- PIC Certified by Accredited Program or Compliance with Code
#02- Food Worker Cards Current
#04- Hands Washed As Required
#13- Surfaces and Utensils Used for Raw Meat Cleaned and Sanitized
#25- Toxic Substances Properly ID, Stored, Used
#30- Proper Thawing Methods Used
#32- Insects, Rodents, Animals Not Present; Entrance Controlled
#41- Warewashing Facilities Properly Installed, Maintained, Used; Test Strips
Produce, walk-in produce cold hold: 38 Degrees F
#1- Active managerial control absent. All establishments shall have a PIC that exhibits active managerial control at all times. Re-take FWC and train staff prior to re-inspection.
#2- Both food worker cards on site expired. All employees shall have valid active food worker cards on site. Re-take and post prior to a re-inspection.
#4- Hands not washed as required. Employees shall wash hands prior to wearing gloves, and after handling raw meat, chemicals, and otherwise contaminating hands. Have employee wash hands and re-start task.
#13- Cutting board used for raw meat not rinsed or sanitized. All food contact surfaces shall be washed, rinsed, and sanitized after contamination. Wash, rinse, and sanitize cutting board.
#25- Multiple bottles not labeled. All chemicals shall be properly labeled. Label prior to next re-inspection. CDI.
#30- Fish thawing in stagnant water. TCS raw meat shall be thawed under refrigerator or cold running water. Address immediately.
#32- Gaps under door not sealed to prevent pests. Install door sweep or similar prior to next inspection.
#41- Test strips not available to test in-use sanitizer. Test strips shall be available for both in-use and ware washing. Purchase prior to re=inspection.
*See re-inspection notice

South Bay Market - 3425 Shincke Road NE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Grocery Stores & Confectioneries 9/11/2024 5 0 5 #21- Proper Cold Holding Temperatures
Cheese stick at 3 door at 41 Degrees F.
Hot dog at walk in at 45 Degrees F.
#21- Hot dogs in walk in at 45 Degrees F. Shall be cold held at 41 Degrees F. or below. Correction: Turn unit so that foods are kept at 41 Degrees F. or below

South Bay Grocery & Deli - 3444 South Bay Road NE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Grocery Stores & Confectioneries 9/11/2024 10 0 10 #21- Proper Cold Holding Temperatures
Ambient fresh cold hold #1- at 34 Degrees F.
Hot dog walk in at 41 Degrees F.
Half and half peet's coffee cold at 48 Degrees F.
egg at fresh cold hold #2 - at 18 Degrees F.
#21 Half and half and peets coffee and hard boiled egg in fresh cold hold #2 at above 41 degrees F. TCS foods shall be cold held at 41 Degrees or below. Correction: Turn units down so that food is maintained at 41 Degrees or below.
Food Service Establishment 9/11/2024 30 0 30 #02- Food Worker Cards Current
#06- Adequate Handwashing Facilities
#22- Accurate Thermometer Provided for PHF
#26- Compliance With Risk Control Plan, Variance, Plan of Operation; Valid Permit

Aloha Acai Cafe - 4570 Avery Ln SE #B

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 9/11/2024 0 0 0   Refrigerator half and half, almond and oat milk: 39 Degrees F and 40 Degrees F
Cold holding, mid fruits, milk: 39 Degrees F and 41 Degrees F
In-use quat sanitizer solution ~ 200ppm
Note: Discussed with PIC about posting consumer advisory on the menu as well as on a conspicuous place "allergens consumer advisory".
Great work!

Mayan Family Mexican Restaurant - 4520 Pacific Avenue SE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 9/11/2024 15 10 25 #02- Food Worker Cards Current
#06- Adequate Handwashing Facilities
#33- Potential Food Contamination Prevented
#42- Food-Contact Surfaces Maintained, Cleaned, Sanitized
Prep line, reach-in and walk-in coolers: 39 Degrees F - 40 Degrees F
Cold hold, lettuce, diced tomatoes: 40 Degrees F - 39 Degrees F
Pico de Gallo, cheese, beans, ground beef: 41 Degrees F - 40 Degrees F
Steam table, refried beans, rice, chicken: 148 Degrees F
Ground beef, beef: 158 Degrees F
In-use quat solution concentration ~ 200ppm
#2- Two food workers cards are expired. Correction: FWC shall be up to date and available upon request.
#6- Handwashing sinks at the bus station and the bar area are not equipped with disposable paper towels. Correction: Provide disposable paper towels to handwashing sinks.
#33- Boxes of beef steaks are stored on the freezer floor. Correction: Food items must be stored 6 inches above the floor.

Panda Express #566 - 4210 Martin Way E

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 9/11/2024 50 0 50 #16- Proper Cooling Procedures
#17- Proper Hot Holding Temperatures
Fried rice and egg roll on hot hold line at 135-150 Degrees F.
Cut cabbage at walk in at 40 Degrees F.

Pasteurized liquid egg at prep unit bottom at 40 Degrees F.
Teriyaki chicken at hot hold line at 110-146 Degrees F.
Rice at rice cooker at 176 Degrees F.
Rice Cooled in 2 inch pan at walk-in at 40-44 Degrees F.
Rice at hot hold cabinet at 155 Degrees F.
Cut cabbage and kale at prep unit top at 41 Degrees F.
Teriyaki Chicken at reheat temp at 176-182 Degrees F.
#16- Cooked rice cooled in 2 inch pans in walk ins were covered during time of inspection. Rice had condensation on lid and imprint from lid. TCA foods shall be cooled in 2 inch shallow pans, uncovered until 41 Degrees F. or below or by other approved method. Correction: FW's discarded rice.
#17- Teriyaki chicken at 110-146 Degrees F in hot hold on serve line. TCS foods shall be hot held at 135 Degrees F. or above. Correction: RW reheated to 165 Degrees F.

MiSo - Asian Bistro - 4514 Lacey Blvd SE Unit B

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 9/10/2024 0 0 0   Walk in cooler - cold -holding at 38-39 Degrees F.
Cheese and lettuce and tomatoes and eggs at 37-39 Degrees F.
Prep line - time as a control
Make line Fish burgers, chicken at hot hold at 152 Degrees F.
In use chlorine sanitizer solution at 100 PPM
No violations noted during time of inspection.

Chelsea Farms Oyster Bar - 222 N CAPITOL WAY Suite 114

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 9/10/2024 5 3 8 #12- Proper Shellstock ID; Wild Mushroom ID; Parasite Destruction
#30- Proper Thawing Methods Used
#12- Date of first shellfish sold not on tag. All Shellfish tags shall have the date that the first and last product in the batch is sold. Amend training practices and implement.
#30- Tuna product thawed in Rop'd Package. Fish shall not be thawed under refrigeration in its Rop'd package. Remove immediately.
#44- Kitchen hand wash sink hot water temperature was 93 Degrees F. hand sinks shall provide water of at least 100 Degrees F. Adjust with in 48 hours.

Zen Ramen and Sushi Burrito - 3238 CAPITOL BLVD S

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 9/10/2024 10 0 10 #21- Proper Cold Holding Temperatures
#22- Accurate Thermometer Provided for PHF
Tonkatsu- Broth at hot hold at 181 Degrees F.
Dish ware machine sanitizing rinse at 164 Degrees F.
Contact Sanitizer at 300 PPM quat
#21- Raw prepped shrimp in prep fridge at 44 Degrees F. Must be at 41 Degrees or less before placed here and put into service. Corrective action: Must move to walk in cooler to rapid chill and chill uncovered.
#22- Provide thermometer for sushi prep fridge. Obtain with in 5 days.

Red Lion Inn & Suites Olympia - 621 CAPITOL WAY S Previously Governor Hotel Olympia

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 9/10/2024 15 5 20 #02- Food Worker Cards Current
#06- Adequate Handwashing Facilities
#34- Wiping Cloths Properly Used, Stored
Mini Fridge and back refrigerator at 39-41 Degrees F.
Milk and yogurt and cream cheese at 40-41 degrees F.
In use Chlorine sanitizer solution at 10 PPM
#2- food worker card is expired. Correction: FWC shall be up to date and available
#6- Hard washing sink is non operational. Correction: PIC is using one of the 3. Compartment sink in the wash sink for temporarily washing hands. PIC stated that a work service order has been made.
#34- In use chlorine solution concentration measure below 10 PPM and advised PIC to remake solution.

Taco Time - 8208 Quinalt Drive NE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 9/9/2024 0 0 0   ground beef at hot hold at 161 Degrees F.
Sliced tomatoes at prep top at 39 Degrees F.
chicken at cook at 178 Degrees F.
Quat Sanitizer at 200-300 PPM
No items cited

Costco Wholesale #740 - 1470 Marvin Road NE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Deli 9/9/2024 0 0 0   Cooled TCS foods and salads at walk in cold hold at 38 Degrees f.
Air temperature at cold processing room at 48 Degrees F.
Chicken at hot holding at 170 Degrees F.
Chicken at cooking temperature at 190 Degrees F.
ware washing sani quat at 300 PPM
Food Court 9/9/2024 0 0 0   chicken bake at hot hold at 180 Degrees F.
Ice cream mix at ice cream machine at 38 Degrees F.
Hot dogs at hot hold at 180 degrees F.
in use sani quat at 300 PPM
Grocery Stores & Confectioneries 9/9/2024 0 0 0   Various TCS foods and various cold hold at 36-40 Degrees F.
Air Temp at Dairy Walk in at 34 Degrees F.
Leafy Greens and cut melons and produce walk in at 40 Degrees F.

Landmark Tavern, The - 313 SUSSEX AVE W

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 9/9/2024 15 0 15 #21- Proper Cold Holding Temperatures
#26- Compliance With Risk Control Plan, Variance, Plan of Operation; Valid Permit
Garlic minced under counter cold hold at 40 Degrees F.
Sliced tomatoes at prep unit top at 39 Degrees F.
Half and half at bar cold hold at 44-47 Degrees F.
Soup at hot hold at 175 degrees F.
DW sanitizing solution at 50 PPM
Sanitizing solution at 75 PPM Chlorine
#21- Improper cold holding of TCS foods, half and half at 44-47 Degrees F.
All TCS foods shall be kept cold at or below 41 Degrees F. Correction: PIC moved half and half to another cold hold to chill to 41 Degrees F. or below.
#26- Non compliance with permit cooling soups at end of night to reserve nest day, medium risk permits do not allow cooling. PPIC Cooling soups correctly, 2 inch shallow pans uncovered. Correction: Discontinue cooling foods immediately or submit risk category change.

Costco Wholesale #740 - 1470 Marvin Road NE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Meat Market 9/9/2024 0 0 0   Air Temperature cold room at 48 degrees F.
Meat at walk in at cold hold at 36 Degrees F.
Warewash quat at 200 PPM

Eagan's LLC - 472 SUSSEX AVE E

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 9/9/2024 0 0 0   Sliced tomatoes prep unit top at 37 Degrees F.
Prep unit bottom at 36 Degrees F.
milk at Atosa cold hold at 39 Degrees F.
Sanitizing solution at 200 PPPM

Costco Wholesale #64 - 5500 Littlerock Road

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Deli 9/9/2024 0 0 0    
Food Sampling 9/9/2024 0 0 0   Chicken bake, HH: 170 Degrees F
Sliced tomatoes, top of prep: 37 Degrees F
Ware wash machine sanitizing rinse: 168 Degrees F
Contact sanitizer ~ 200-300ppm quat
No items cited

Cruzin Coffee - 12717 OLD 99 HWY SE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Coffee Shop 9/9/2024 0 0 0   Milk cold hold at 38 Degrees F.
Mil under counter gray unit at 40 Degrees F.
1 Door fridge at commissary at 38 Degrees F.
Sanitizing solution at 200 PPM
No items cited during inspection.

E-San Zap Cafe - 9323 MARTIN WAY E #114/116 Also owns Bistro Pattaya

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 9/9/2024 90 8 98 #01- PIC Certified by Accredited Program or Compliance with Code
#06- Adequate Handwashing Facilities
#16- Proper Cooling Procedures
#19- No Room Temperature Storage
#21- Proper Cold Holding Temperatures
#22- Accurate Thermometer Provided for PHF
#26- Compliance With Risk Control Plan, Variance, Plan of Operation; Valid Permit
#37- In-use Utensils Properly Stored
#41- Warewashing Facilities Properly Installed, Maintained, Used; Test Strips
Produce/raw meat, large prep cold hold: 55 Degrees F
Rice, rice hot hold: 160 Degrees F
Thai peanut sauce/rehydrated noodles, room temp storage: 77 Degrees F
Cooked rice (cooling), front prep cold hold: 70 Degrees F
Fried tofu, room temp: 80 Degrees F
In-use sani (chlorine) 0ppm
#1- Active managerial control not present for the first time 1 hour of inspection. A PIC demonstrating active managerial control shall be on site at all times. Retrain staff on food safety procedures prior to re-inspection.
#6- Hand wash sink by 3-comp blocked. All hand wash sinks shall be kept empty and fully stocked. Remove items. CDI.
#16- Cooked rice and fried tofu cooling improperly. All TCS products shall be cooled in 2-inch amounts, uncovered until 41 Degrees F or below. Discard rice and immediately cool tofu. Repeat.
#19- Thai peanut sauce and rehydrated noodles stored at room temperature. TCS products shall be kept hot (135 Degrees F) or cold (41 Degrees F) at all times. Rapidly cool both items. CDI.
#21- Prep cold hold products at 55 Degrees F. TCS products shall be kept at 41 Degrees F or below. Remove product and defrost unit, as ice build up may be the cause. Ensure 41 Degrees F or below prior to reusing unit. Repeat.
#22- No probe thermometer available. An accurate probe thermometer shall be available to monitor hot holding, cooking, and cooling temperatures. Purchase and use within 24 hours.
#26- Multiple items being cooled at facility, which is outside of your risk category. Establishments shall operate under the conditions of their permit at all times. Reclassify to high-risk within 30 days. Repeat.
#37- In-use utensils stored in room temperature water. Either store utensils in cold water (41 Degrees F), hot water (135 Degrees F), or outside on clean surface.
#41- In-use sanitizer at 0ppm chlorine. In-use sanitizer shall be kept at 50-100ppm at all times. Remake solution immediately.
Note: Many practices marked w/o, as food workers stopped working when I arrived.
* See re-inspection notice

Hops n Drops - 4739 Avery Court SE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 9/6/2024 25 5 30 #04- Hands Washed As Required
#42- Food-Contact Surfaces Maintained, Cleaned, Sanitized
Cookline, reach-in/walk-in cooler: 39 Degrees, 40 Degrees F
Coleslaw, diced tomatoes, lettuce, chicken, chicken taquitos, blue cheese: 40 Degrees F, 41 Degrees F
Grilled chicken, clam chowder, warmer: 154 Degrees F, 145 Degrees F
In-use quat sanitizer solution ~ 200ppm
Ware washer chlorine solution ~ 50ppm
#4- Observed food worker not washing hands properly after changing task. Correction: Discussed with food worker and PIC about proper handwashing for a minimum of 20 seconds and after disposing of gloves. PIC shall have gloves wearing protocol and train food workers accordingly.
#42- Can opener has evidence of food debris build up. Correction: Clean can opener thoroughly before each use to prevent food residue build up.

Carl's Jr. - 3816 Pacific Avenue SE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 9/6/2024 0 0 0   Reach-in and walk-in coolers: 37 Degrees, 41 Degrees F
Makeline: Cold holding using time as a control procedure for 4 hours.
Shredded lettuce, sliced tomatoes, cheese 4 hours
Walk-in cooler, lettuce, pico de gallo, tomatoes: 40 Degrees F, 38 Degrees F
Raw chicken and hamburger 40 Degrees F, 39 Degrees F
In-use quat sanitizer solution ~ 300ppm
No violations noted during time of inspection
Great work!

Fortune Casino Restaurant - 8318 QUINAULT DR NE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 9/6/2024 0 0 0   Chowder at hot hold at 149 Degrees F.
Shrimp and sliced tomatoes at 38 Degrees F.
Large hamburger at cool at 161 Degrees F.
Sanitizer at 100 ppm chlorine
No items cited.

Whitewood Cider - 728 4TH AVE E

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Drinking Establishment 9/6/2024 0 0 0   No TCS foods. Approved and still utilizing RV pump tank style hand wash sink

Nicole's Bar - 109 Legion Way SW

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 9/5/2024 5 8 13 #21- Proper Cold Holding Temperatures
#41- Warewashing Facilities Properly Installed, Maintained, Used; Test Strips
#46- Toilet Facilities Properly Constructed, Supplied, Cleaned
Cooled TCS foods/produce/meat, walk-in cold hold: 44 Degrees F
Meat/produce, prep cold hold: 38 Degrees F - 43 Degrees F
Product/cheese, reach-in cold hold: 38 Degrees F
Ware washer sani (chlorine) 0ppm
In-use sani (quat) ~ 200ppm
#21- Products in the walk-in cold hold and prep cold were 43 Degrees F - 44 Degrees F. Cold help TCS foods shall be kept at 41 Degrees F or below. Adjust thermostat or service walk-in, ensure product level is below rim in upper prep cold hold.
#41- Ware washer test at 0ppm chlorine sanitizer. Chlorine sanitizer shall be between 50-100ppm. Replace sanitizer bucket and test solution. CDI
#46- 2 of 3 restroom doors not self-closing. Restroom doors in food establishments shall be self-closing. Equip with spring or new hinge within 30 days.
- We discussed cooked and cooled bacon. Operator will no longer use cooled bacon the following day, as it is difficult to proper temperature control and adds additional food safety concerns.

Chicory - 111 COLUMBIA ST NW

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 9/5/2024 0 5 5 #31- Food Properly Labeled
Cookline, walk-in cooler, drawers coolers: 39 Degrees F, 40 Degrees F
Cold holding, shredded lettuce, cooked rice: 40 Degrees F
Goat cheese, diced ham: 39 Degrees F
In-use chemical sanitizer solution ~ 100ppm
Ware washer chlorine sanitizer solution ~ 50ppm
#31- TCF food items: Halibut-brandade and chicken bones are not date marked. Correction: PIC has date marked TCF food items accordingly. Discussed with PIC about date marking procedure.
Note- Discussed with PIC about active managerial control (AMC) of risk factors and sanitization standards operating procedures.
-Provided PIC with educational materials.

Union Mills Grocery - 7431 Pacific Avenue SE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Grocery Stores & Confectioneries 9/4/2024 0 0 0   Milk merchandiser ambient at 39 Degrees F.
Brewed coffee discontinued and tape repaired floor in satisfactory condition and will need to eventually be properly repaired.

K-Kitchen - 4520 LACEY BLVD SE Ste 24

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 9/4/2024 20 5 25 #06- Adequate Handwashing Facilities
#25- Toxic Substances Properly ID, Stored, Used
#31- Food Properly Labeled
Cookline and walk-in cooler: 36 Degrees F and 39 Degrees F
Spinach/sprout beans/tofu/eggs/chicken: 40 Degrees F and 38 Degrees F
Steamed rice/rice cooker: 192 Degrees F
In-use chlorine solution concentration over 200ppm
Ware washer chlorine solution concentration 50ppm
#6- Handwashing sink has evidence of stored object in it. Correction: PIC removed covers, and some utensils and object. Handwashing sink shall be used solely for washing hands even if you have 2 handwashing sinks to allow food works access to wash their hands while in the food preparation area.
#25- In-use chlorine solution concentration measured over 200ppm. Correction: PIC diluted chlorine solution and tested at 50ppm. Use test strips to validate accurate chlorine solution concentration level [50ppm, 100ppm]
#31- Containers of grilled chicken and cooked tofu are not date marked. Correction: PIC date marked TCS food items accordingly. Discussed with PIC date marking procedure. Date mark TCS food items for 7 days including the prep cooking day and discard food items at day 7
Note 1) Discussed with PIC about active managerial control of risk factors as well as continuous coaching of food workers about food safety and sanitization.
Note 2) Provided PIC with educational materials about the danger zone, reheating method and proper cooling procedures.

Kentucky Fried Chicken / Long John Silvers - 8030 Martin Way East

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 9/4/2024 5 0 5 #02- Food Worker Cards Current
Chicken - cook: 178 Degrees F
Chicken nugget, HH: 141 Degrees F
Pot pies individual coded: 37 Degrees F
Sanitizer 200-300ppm quat
mac nd cheese - walk-in: 36 Degrees F
#2- Employees with expired FW cards. Note - Employees with advanced food safety certificates require WA FW cards. Obtain FW cards in 2 weeks.
Well maintained and operated establishment. Thank you for your efforts.

Meconi's Bakery - 5227 Lacey Blvd

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Bakery 9/4/2024 10 5 15 #21- Proper Cold Holding Temperatures
#42- Food-Contact Surfaces Maintained, Cleaned, Sanitized
Hard boiled eggs, walk-in cooler: 39 Degrees F
Potato salad, walk-in cooler: 43 Degrees F
In-use quat sanitizer solution ~ 200ppm
Raw ground beef, walk-in: 38 Degrees F
#21- In the walk-in cooler. Potato salad temperature 43 Degrees F. Correction: Prior of storing TCS food item (potato salad) in covered containers make sure temperature is at 41 Degrees F or less after mixing eggs and dressing with boiled potatoes. Use a calibrated probe thermometer to validate adequate cold holding temperature.
#42- Can opener has evidence of foo debris build-up. Correction: PIC will clean can opener thoroughly after each use.

Emerald City Smoothie - 1140 Galaxy Drive NE Suite E

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 9/3/2024 25 8 33 #06- Adequate Handwashing Facilities
#21- Proper Cold Holding Temperatures
#22- Accurate Thermometer Provided for PHF
#37- In-use Utensils Properly Stored
#41- Warewashing Facilities Properly Installed, Maintained, Used; Test Strips
#41- Sanitizer for dishwashing and wiping towels at 200 PPM.
Must be 50 PPM. Corrected: needs to be redone and then tested properly.
#21- Non dairy milk soymilk etc in top of the prep at 47-51 Degrees F. Must below 41 Degrees F. move to lower part of the unit.
#6- Pitchers stored in hand wash sink. Must be kept clear at all times.
#22- Thermometer not present to monitor food temperatures. Obtain asap.
#37- Measuring cup for ice is deposited in ice bin with handle contacting the ice. Replace with a measuring coop or place the cup in a manner so handle does not contact the ice.


Villa Grove Foods Inc - 9200 LITTLEROCK RD SW

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment (Deli) 9/3/2024 30 0 30 #02- Food Worker Cards Current
#06- Adequate Handwashing Facilities
#21- Proper Cold Holding Temperatures
#26- Compliance With Risk Control Plan, Variance, Plan of Operation; Valid Permit
Chicken, burrito - hot holding: 150 Degrees F - 153 Degrees F
Walk-in, ambient: 36 Degrees F
Contact sanitizer 100ppm chlorine
#21- Sliced tomatoes in top of prep fridge at 42 Degrees F - 45 Degrees F. These must be chilled to 41 Degrees F before being placed for service. Corrective action move to walk-in cooler until they are at least 41 Degrees F.
#2- Employees with expired or invalid FW cards. All employees must obtain WA state worker cards in 2 weeks.
#6- Hand wash sink must be supplied with soap and paper towels at all times.
#26- Must obtain approval of procedure to heat and cool meatballs for the kabobs. Notify the office within 2 weeks.

Rocket #5497 - 102 COLLEGE ST SE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Deli, Grocery Stores & Confectioneries 9/3/2024 0 0 0   Taquito with egg, rollers, hot hold: 174 Degrees F
Breakfast sandwich, glass hot hold: 155 Degrees F
Beef roller dog, reheat temp: 165 Degrees F - 169 Degrees F
String cheese, cold hold: 39 Degrees F - 41 Degrees F

Pizza Hut #037383 - 2521 MARVIN RD NE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 9/3/2024 5 0 5 #02- Food Worker Cards Current
Sausage, walk-in: 39 Degrees F - 40 Degrees F
Cut tomatoes, pepperoni, prep unit: 40 Degrees F - 41 Degrees F
Wings, chicken (fully cooked), reheat temp: 186 Degrees F
Wings, chicken (fully cooked), norlake 1-door: 41 Degrees F
Ware washer sanitizer, chlorine 50ppm
#2- One worker unable to prevent FWC. All food workers shall have a valid WA FWC available upon request. Correction: Obtain prior to next shift. Repeat

Nom Nom Deli & Bakery - 513 S CAPITOL WAY

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 9/3/2024 10 10 20 #02- Food Worker Cards Current
#21- Proper Cold Holding Temperatures
#41- Warewashing Facilities Properly Installed, Maintained, Used; Test Strips
#44- Plumbing Properly Sized, Installed, and Maintained
Meat/produce, prep cold hold: 37 Degrees F
eggs/cooled broth, single door atosa cold hold: 44 Degrees F
Noodles, 2-door atosa cold hold: 38 Degrees F
In-use sani (chlorine) 50ppm
#2- Food worker cards expired. All food workers shall have current, valid food worker cards. Obtain cards within 14 days.
#21- Temperatures of products in single door cold hold were 44 Degrees F. TCS products being held shall be kept at 41 Degrees or below. Turn down thermostat or service unit. CDI.
#41- Handle of hand wash sink broken; Providing weak flow and running at all times. Plumbing shall be kept in good repair. Repair hand sink as soon as possible. (Looking for part will notify when it's installed)
#44- No test strips available to test chlorine solution. Test strips shall be available at all times. Purchase or order test stips within 7 days.

Panda Express #1219 - 1320 Marvin Road NE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 9/3/2024 40 0 40 #17- Proper Hot Holding Temperatures
#21- Proper Cold Holding Temperatures
#22- Accurate Thermometer Provided for PHF
Cut kale, cooled rice, walk-in: 43 Degrees F - 47 Degrees F
Raw chicken, chef drawers under prep unit: 40 Degrees F - 41 Degrees F
Rice, hot hold cabinet: 158 Degrees F
Rice, rice cooker: 169 Degrees F
Orange chicken, rice, hot hold: 112 Degrees F - 140 Degrees F
Raw beef, chef drawers under prep unit: 44 Degrees F - 47 Degrees F
#17- Orange chicken measured 112 Degrees F - 136 Degrees F in hot hold line. TCS foods shall be hot held at 135 Degrees F or above. Correction: PIC voluntarily discarded. CDI
#21- Cut kale and cooled rice (2" pan, uncovered) at 43 Degrees F - 47 Degrees F in walk-in. Raw beef at 44 Degrees F - 47 Degrees F in drawers prep unit. TCS foods shall be cold held at 41 Degrees F or below. Correction: PIC voluntarily discarded rice. Walk-in being stocked with door open, ensure door is closed as soon as possible while putting delivery away. Check raw beef temp in an hour to ensure temp is going down. This is a repeat violation complete and send temp log within 14 days.
#22- No probe tip thermometer available during time of inspection. Thermometer is required to evaluate internal temperature of TCS foods. Correction: Provide within 3 days.
Note- Ensure FWC is available upon request.

King Solomon's Reef - 212 4TH AVE E

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/30/2024 0 0 0   Dairy, walk-in: 39 Degrees F
Ware washer sani (chlorine) ~ 50ppm
In-use sani (quat) ~ 200ppm

Capital Perks - 3302 Capitol Boulevard SE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Coffee Shop 8/30/2024 5 0 5 #21- Proper Cold Holding Temperatures
Mini fridge cold holding at 44 Degrees F.
Two door fridge- milk- at 41 Degrees F.
In use chlorine solution concentration at 50PPM
#21- Mini fridge unit is holding dairy products at 44 Degrees F.
Correction: PIC removed milk to other refrigerator and adjust the thermostat and repair or replace the unit. You might consider to use and ice bath keeping milk at or less than 41 degrees F. to minimize frequencies of op4ening refrigerator. Monitor the milk by using probe thermometer to ensure a cold holding temperature at 41 Degrees or less.

Eastside Club Tavern - 410 4th Avenue East

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Drinking Establishment 8/30/2024 0 0 0    

Holiday Inn Express Lacey - 4460 3rd Avenue SE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/30/2024 5 5 10 #21- Proper Cold Holding Temperatures
#29- Adequate Equipment for Temperature Control
steam tables scrambled eggs, sausage at 147 Degrees F.
Egg whites veggie omelette, gravy and sausage at 147 Degrees F.
mini fridge at 47 degrees F.
hard boiled eggs at milt and yogurt at 43 Degrees F.
#29 mini fridge is not holding temperature of 41 Degrees f.
Correction: PIC removed TCS food items for reconditioning and stored in the two back door refrigerators. Also an Operational fridge must hold temps of 41 Degrees or less.
#21- Food items of tcs in the mini fridge measured at 43 Degrees F. TCS food in the fridge need to be at 41 Degrees or less.


King Solomon's Reef - 212 4TH AVE E

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/30/2024 30 0 30 #12- Proper Shellstock ID; Wild Mushroom ID; Parasite Destruction
#16- Proper Cooling Procedures
Cooked/cooled TCS foods/produce, 3-door prep cold hold: 39 Degrees F
Produce, small prep cold hold: 38 Degrees F - 40 Degrees F
TCS cooled foods/meat/produce, walk-in cold hold: 39 Degrees F
Potatoes, walk-in cold hold: 60 Degrees F
Ware washer sani (chlorine) ~ 50ppm
In-use sani (quat) ~ 200ppm
#12- Shell tags not properly dated. Shellfish tags shall have the date that the first and last product in the batch is sold. Going forward, date all tags properly.
#16- Potatoes cooling covered in amounts greater than 2". TCS products shall be cooled in 2" amounts, uncovered until 41 Degrees F or below. Discard product and train staff for future use. CDI.

Papa John's - 4514 LACEY BLVD SE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/30/2024 0 10 10 #34- Wiping Cloths Properly Used, Stored
#42- Food-Contact Surfaces Maintained, Cleaned, Sanitized
Prep table walk in cooler at 37 degrees F.
Chicken sausage cheeses ground beef at 39-40 Degrees F.
In use quat sanitizer solution at less than 200 PPM
#34- In use quat sanitizer solution concentration measured less than 200 PPM. Correction: PIC remake quat solution mix and tested at 300 PPM. Discussed with PIC to use quat test strips to validate quat solution between 200-400 P_PM
#42- Can opener has evidence of food debris build up. Correction: PIC stated cleaning can opener. Clean thoroughly can opener after each use.

Tuna Poke II - 1001 COOPER POINT RD SW #130

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/30/2024 25 0 25 #01- PIC Certified by Accredited Program or Compliance with Code
#02- Food Worker Cards Current
#22- Accurate Thermometer Provided for PHF
#25- Toxic Substances Properly ID, Stored, Used
Cookline, reach-in cooler: 38 Degrees F and 40 Degrees F
Crab/tofu/egg rolls/eel fish/tuna: 40 Degrees F
Boba pearls, room temp with a time control measure
Rice cooker, white/brown rice: 152 Degrees F
In-use chlorine solution strength over 200ppm
#1- PIC do not demonstrate basic knowledge of food safety such as minimum cold/hot holding temperatures, reheating and cold holding procedures. Provided PIC with educational materials and posters.
#2- PIC does not have an up-to-date and available food handler card. Correction: Food worker cards shall be valid up-to-date and available upon request. PIC stated that he will get that test and card by next week.
#22- PIC do not have an operational probe thermometer in place. Correction: Provide and use calibrated probe thermometer to monitor TCS food items temperature and validate cold/hot holding temperature to be out of the danger zone [135 Degrees F, 41 Degrees F]
#25- In-use chlorine solution concentration measured above 200ppm. Correction: PIC diluted chlorine solution and tested at 100ppm. Discussed with PIC about accurate chlorine (bleach) solution concentration and using test strips to ensure and validate its strength within this range [50ppm, 100ppm]
Note- PIC has made a remarkable improvement on safe storage separation of raw meats and TCS food items, as well as hot holding, cooling procedure, and consumer advisory on the menu.
-Provided PIC with educational materials and posters, as well as a food safety manual in the Korean language.

Ikonic Wings - 1110 GALAXY DR NE Suite F

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/29/2024 0 0 0   Chicken, walk-in: 39 Degrees F
Cold-water thawing
Contact sanitizer
No items cited

Meconi's Italian Subs - 5221 LACEY BLVD SE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/29/2024 5 5 10 #01- PIC Certified by Accredited Program or Compliance with Code
#34- Wiping Cloths Properly Used, Stored
Makeline, reach in and walk-in cooler: 37 Degrees F, 40 Degrees F
Makeline: Shredded lettuce, sliced tomatoes: 39 Degrees F, 40 Degrees F
Sliced cheese, deli meats: 40 Degrees F, 41 Degrees F
Hot holding: Warmers and soup well soups: 164 Degrees F
Done sink sanitizer quat solution strength ~ 200ppm
#1- Food workers do not demonstrate basic knowledge of food safety such as adequate cold and hot holding, as well as reheating temperatures. Correction: Discussed with PIC about retraining food workers and mentoring them on food safety basic knowledge and practices. PIC will take serv safe to maintain AMC active managerial control of risk factors.
#34- In-use quat sanitizer buckets are not available and set up accordingly. Correction: PIC makes the in-use quat sanitizer buckets and tested at 200ppm. Regularly, make the quat solution in bucket with rags to sanitizer food prep areas.

Original House of Donuts - 3813 PACIFIC AVE SE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Bakery 8/29/2024 5 5 10 #22- Accurate Thermometer Provided for PHF
#41- Warewashing Facilities Properly Installed, Maintained, Used; Test Strips
Milk, 2-door refrigerator: 38 Degrees F
#22- Calibrated probe thermometer is not available to validate and verify proper cold holding temperature for milk. Provide probe thermometer to ensure cold holding of milk or dairy products is 41 Degrees F or less.
#41- Chlorine test strips are not available. Provide chlorine (bleach) test strips to ensure and validate in-use chlorine solution concentration that must be between [50ppm, 100ppm], use test strips to validate accuracy.

Jack in the Box #8319 - 1635 Mottman Road

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/29/2024 0 0 0   Large hamburger - cook: 167 Degrees F
Chicken strips - HH: 153 Degrees F
Chicken breast - walk-in: 34 Degrees F
Contact sanitizer 200-300ppm quat
No items cited

Evergreen Valley Espresso - 9347 YELM HWY SE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Espresso 8/29/2024 30 0 30 #21- Proper Cold Holding Temperatures
#25- Toxic Substances Properly ID, Stored, Used
#26- Compliance With Risk Control Plan, Variance, Plan of Operation; Valid Permit
Dairy, under counter cold hold: 47 Degrees F
Breakfast burritos, red bull cold hold: 37 Degrees F
Milk/dairy, reach-in cold hold: 40 Degrees F
In-use sani (chlorine) ~ 200ppm
#21- Milk and other dairy items in the under counter cold hold were 47 Degrees F. All TCS products shall be kept at 41 Degrees F or below. Adjust thermostat or service unit. Within 7 days.
#25- In-use chlorine sanitizer above 200ppm. In-use chlorine sanitizer shall be kept between 50-100ppm. Remake solution and test regularly. CDI.
#26- Few or none of the items from the COO assessment were addressed. During the COO assessment. You were given a 6 month timeline to correct items or submit a remodel application. Contact me within 7 days to review those requirements and adjust compliance schedule.


Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/29/2024 10 0 10 #21- Proper Cold Holding Temperatures
Corn dog, beef patty, glass door hot hold: 137 Degrees F - 141 Degrees F
String cheese, true cold hold: 41 Degrees F
String cheese, burrito, open air cold hold: 45 Degrees F - 55 Degrees F
#21- String cheese and burrito in open air cold hold at 45 Degrees F - 55 Degrees F. TCS foods shall be cold held at 41 Degrees F or below. Correction: PIC shut door to cool unit down. Defrost cycle may need to be shortened. CDI.

7-Eleven #32832C - 1022 Crosby Boulevard SW

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/29/2024 25 10 35 #04- Hands Washed As Required
#34- Wiping Cloths Properly Used, Stored
#44- Plumbing Properly Sized, Installed, and Maintained
All foods on rollers at 135-139 Degrees F.
#34- Quat sanitizer in spray bottle at 100 PPM. Must be at 200-300 PPM spray bottle nearly empty also indicating age of solution. Replenish regularly.
#4- Employee at register did not wash hands before gloving up to package pizza slices.

#44- 3 compartment sink does not indirectly drain to sewer line: must indirect drain to floor drain or sink, or create and air gap in plumbing - complete this in 45 days from today's date.

Denny's #7873 - 108 College Street SE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/29/2024 10 0 10 #21- Proper Cold Holding Temperatures

Barnes & Noble Booksellers, Inc. - 1530 Black Lake Boulevard

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/29/2024 0 0 0   Quiche, cold hold case: 34 Degrees F
Sanitizer 200ppm quat
Milk - u/c fridge: 37 Degrees F
No items cited

Wendy's #110 - 526 SLEATER KINNEY RD SE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/29/2024 10 0 10 #01- PIC Certified by Accredited Program or Compliance with Code
#02- Food Worker Cards Current
Cold holding using time as a public health control holding time 4 hours temp: tomatoes, cheese, lettuce: 39 Degrees F, 40 Degrees F
Hot holding, baked potatoes, chili, beef, nuggets: 148 Degrees F, 150 Degrees F
In-use quat solution concentration ~ 200ppm
Ware washer chlorine sanitizer concentration 50ppm
#1- Food workers do not demonstrate basic knowledge of food safety temperature, such as minimum required cooking temperature for burgers, cold/hot holding temp. Correction: Advised FW to take a refresher course or training n food safety.
#2- Two food worker cards are expired. Correction: Food worker cards shall be up-to-ate and available upon request.

Courtyard by Marriott - 2201 HENDERSON PARK LN SE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/28/2024 10 5 15 #01- PIC Certified by Accredited Program or Compliance with Code
#02- Food Worker Cards Current
#34- Wiping Cloths Properly Used, Stored
Cookline, cooking drawers reach-in cooler: 39 Degrees F
Lettuce, diced tomatoes, blue cheese, turkey: 40 Degrees F
Cookline, sandwiches, burritos, eggs: 40 Degrees F
In-use quat sanitizer measured below 100ppm
#1- Food workers do not demonstrate basic knowledge basic knowledge of food safety such as cold/hot holding, reheating, temperatures, as well as proper cooling process. retake a refresher course or training about food safety. Read food safety manual. WA DOH.
#2- PIC has an expired food worker card. Food worker cards shall be valid and available upon request.
#34- In- use quat sanitizer solution concentration measured below 100ppm. Correction: PIC remake quat mix and tested ~300ppm. Quat strength must be between [200ppm, 400ppm].

Bonsai Teriyaki & Wok - 408 Cleveland Avenue SE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/28/2024 35 5 40 #01- PIC Certified by Accredited Program or Compliance with Code
#14- Raw Meats Away from RTE Food; Species Separated
#16- Proper Cooling Procedures
#33- Potential Food Contamination Prevented
Cookline, reach-in and walk-in coolers: 40 Degrees F
Noodles, popsticker, chicken, cold holding: 39 Degrees F - 40 Degrees F
Cooling covered rice: 110 Degrees F
Hot holding, cooked chicken: 156 Degrees F
Steamed rice, rice cooker: 201 Degrees F
In-use chlorine sanitizer solution ~ 50ppm
#1- PIC and cook do not demonstrate basic food safety temperatures such as cold and hot holding and cooking proper temperatures, as well as proper cooling procedure. Correction: Educated PIC on the basic adequate cold and hot holding and reheating temperature. Advised PIC to take a refresher training.
#14- Raw chicken stored over fresh mushroom. Correction: PIC rearranged raw chicken and stored it at the bottom shelve. Store TCS cooked food items above raw meat and raw chicken on the bottom shelves.
#16- Cooling covered container of fried rice. Correction: Cool TCS food items in uncovered container with food depth less than 2 inches. Discussed with PIC about a proper cooling methods.
#33- Boxes of raw chicken stored on the walk-in-cooler floor. Correction: Store food items 6 inches above the floor. PIC rearranged food items accordingly.
Note: Discussed with PIC about active managerial control of risk factors. Advised PIC to retake food safety course and refresher about basic principles and practices of food safety and sanitization. A follow-up is warranted to ensure compliance.

Double Tree / Press NW - 415 CAPITOL WAY N

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/27/2024 0 5 5 #34- Wiping Cloths Properly Used, Stored
gravy and sausage and eggs at various hot holds at 150 degrees. F
eggs yogurt at 2 door hold at 39-40 degrees F.
salsa and cheese at 60 degrees F.
meat and dairy at bar at 40 Degrees F.
ware wash at 50 POPM
In use sanitizer at 0 PPM
34- In use quat sanitizer at 0 PPM - In use use quat shall be between 200-400 PPM. R-make solution.
No prep sink in facility- clearly designate the left bar sink as hand wash as prep and dump sink. Batch watch produce in the morning and use as a dump sink while bar is in use.
T.P.H.C. done correctly but lacking approved plan. Submit template within 7 days.

Julia's Bakery LLC - 7209 Martin Way E

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/27/2024 0 5 5 #31- Food Properly Labeled
merchandiser- flan- 28 Degrees F
merchandiser-milk- 39 Degrees F
#31- Items packaged for sale to go- suck as flan and cake must be labeled with product name ingredients business name and address etc. will provide information in 5 days.

IHOP #1732 - 1520 Cooper Point Road SW

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/26/2024 25 0 25 #04- Hands Washed As Required
sausage on hot hold grill at 143 Degrees F.
Sliced tomatoes at top of prep at 35 degrees F.
Chicken fried steak at cook at 168 Degrees F.
Ware wash at 100 PPM chlorine
shredded cheese at bottom of fridge at 38 Degrees F.
#4- Employee did not strip gloves and wash hands after cracking eggs and continued washing utensils and food containers. Correction: must wash hands after contacting raw foods like eggs and meats and seafood.

L & L Hawaiian BBQ - 5312 LITTLEROCK RD SW

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Establishment 8/23/2024 10 10 20 #21- Proper Cold Holding Temperatures
#34- Wiping Cloths Properly Used, Stored
#41- Warewashing Facilities Properly Installed, Maintained, Used; Test Strips
Onions at hot holding at 150 Degrees F.
Musubi at Hot holding at 137 Degrees F.
Kalua port at Hot holding at 153 Degrees. F
#21 Garlic butter in container on ice at 45-55 Degrees F. This butter mixture needs to be at 41 Degrees or less. Correction: surround container with ice.
#34- In use sanitizer approx. greater than 200 PPM Mus be 50 PPM chlorine- Correction: remake solution.
#41- Dish washing sanitizer at approx. greater than 200 PPM chlorine. Must be 50 PPM corrected by dilution:
maintain ice level around the garlic butter.

Curry House Cuisine of India - 8765 TALLON LN NE STE H

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/22/2024 10 0 10 #25- Toxic Substances Properly ID, Stored, Used
Tomatoes/cooled TCS foods, prep cold hold table: 39 Degrees F - 40 Degrees F
Rice, rice hot hold: 160 Degrees F
Cooled TCS products/raw meat, walk-in cold hold: 40 Degrees F
Dairy/cooled TCS foods, turbo air cold hold: 37 Degrees F
Ware wash sani (chlorine) ~ 50ppm
In-use sani (chlorine) ~ 200ppm
#25- In-use chorine sanitizer too strong. In--use chlorine sanitizer shall be kept between 50-100ppm. Add water or remake solution. CDI.
*Soap at the hand wash sink has difficult to get dispensed. Either fix dispenser or equip with other soap option.

Sea Blossom Seafoods - 700 CAPITOL WAY N

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Olympia Farmers' Market Booth 8/22/2024 0 0 0   Temporary hand sink operational and in use
In the next 14 days please submit and operational plan that outlines where the sink equipment is stored, how it's filled and empties when hand are washed etc. Prior to the 2025 farmers market we will discuss a more permanent option for future use.

Kentucky Fried Chicken - 4521 Lacey Boulevard

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/21/2024 5 5 10 #01- PIC Certified by Accredited Program or Compliance with Code
#31- Food Properly Labeled
Warmers, macaroni and cheese, gravy, mashed potatoes: 148 Degrees F and 154 Degrees F
Fried chicken: 2 hours holding time
Cold holding, coleslaw: 41 Degrees and 39 Degrees F
In-use quat sanitizer solution strength ~ 300ppm
#1- Food workers do not demonstrate basic knowledge of food safety such as required temperature for cold and hot holding, as well as date marking, and using time as a public health control procedure. Correction: Educated PIC and food workers on the danger zone, date marking. Provided PIC with educational materials.
#31- Fried chicken in hot holding warmers are not time marked for 2 hours holding temperature by using time as a public health control method. Provided PIC with educational material. PIC time markers TCS food accordingly.

Wendy's #121 - 7540 MARTIN WAY E

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment` 8/21/2024 0 5 5 #34- Wiping Cloths Properly Used, Stored
Chicken patties, HH: 159 Degrees F
Diced chicken, HH: 137 Degrees F
Sliced tomatoes, TAC: 39 Degrees F
Ware wash machine sanitizer 50ppm chlorine
Chili, HH: 173 Degrees F
#34- In-use contact sanitizer of nearly zero ppm quat. Must be maintained of 200-400ppm quat. CA: Replenished.
Note: Review SOP of 1 hour slack time for cheddar cheese.

Rivers Edge - 4611 Tumwater Valley Drive SE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/21/2024 0 0 0   #11- Observed date marking for TCS food items.
#21- Temperatures of TCS food items in the left side cookline measured at or below 41 Degrees F. PIC has a well-documented temperature log sheet.
#29- Left side cookline and reach in cooler ambient temperature 39 Degrees F
#41- Ware washer machine chlorine solution concentration measured ~ 100ppm.
#42- Ice machine is clean and there is a cleaning schedule in place.
PIC has filled in a risk control plan accordingly. See rn closed file (risk control plan)
No violations noted during time of follow-up
Discussed with PIC about active managerial control of risk factors.

Del Taco - 7742 Martin Way

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/21/2024 10 0 10 #21- Proper Cold Holding Temperatures
Diced tomatoes, shredded lettuce, prep line fridge: 40 Degrees F - 46 Degrees F
Hot holding foods: 163 Degrees F - 171 Degrees F
Quat sanitizer ~ 300 - 400PPM
Sliced tomatoes drawer unit 37
#21- Prep line fridge is not keeping TCS foods below 41 Degrees F. For now added ice in well and covered inserts are acceptable. Foods above 41 Degrees F after must be discarded.
#21- Walk in cooler ambient temperature is 50 Degrees F. Food temperatures are 37 Degrees F - 41 Degrees F. Any TCS foods here must be discarded after 4 hours.
Note: Call to verify results of technicians repair/service work and follow through of above.

La Quinta Inn & Suites - Tumwater - 4600 CAPITOL BLVD SE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/21/2024 10 5 15 #01- PIC Certified by Accredited Program or Compliance with Code
#22- Accurate Thermometer Provided for PHF
#41- Warewashing Facilities Properly Installed, Maintained, Used; Test Strips
Mini-fridge, milk, yogurt, eggs: 38 Degrees F - 40 Degrees F
2-door reach in, milk, cream cheese: 37 Degrees F - 40 Degrees F
Steam tables: Egg omelettes, sausage: !47 Degrees F and 151 Degrees F
In-use quat sanitizer solution ~ 300ppm
#1- PIC does not demonstrate basic knowledge of food safety such as danger zone minimum required temperature for cold and hot holding as well sanitizer quat accurate concentration range: [200ppm - 400ppm] Provided PIC with educational materials and asked him to review food safety manual.
#22- Mini-fridge is not provided with ambient thermometer. Provide thermometer for mini fridge to ensure that minimum temperature is 41 Degrees F or less.
#41- Quat sanitizer test strips are not available. Provide quat test strips to validate accurate quat solution concentration [200ppm - 400ppm].

Mountain Grind LLC - 304 BINGHAMPTON ST SE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Coffee Shop 8/21/2024 40 15 55 #01- PIC Certified by Accredited Program or Compliance with Code
#06- Adequate Handwashing Facilities
#21- Proper Cold Holding Temperatures
#22- Accurate Thermometer Provided for PHF
#26- Compliance With Risk Control Plan, Variance, Plan of Operation; Valid Permit
#29- Adequate Equipment for Temperature Control
#34- Wiping Cloths Properly Used, Stored
#41- Warewashing Facilities Properly Installed, Maintained, Used; Test Strips
Packaged burrito, under counter 1-door: 39 Degrees F
Zero milk, grista under counter 1-door: 46 Degrees F - 48 Degrees F
Milk, grista, under counter 1-door: 49 Degrees F - 50 Degrees F
Ice cream mix, 2-door merchandiser
#1- PIC not performing duties to maintain AMC of risk factors. Correction: PIC to maintain AMC, see WAC 246-215 pgs. 18-19.
#6- Inadequate handwashing facilities, hand sink in accessible, basin occupied. Correction: Maintain hand sink accessible at all times. Prevent potential contamination, do not store anything in basin. CDI-item relocated.
#21- Improper cold holding of TCS foods. Foods in cold holding greater than 41 Degrees F. Correction: Maintain TCS foods in cold holding at or below 41 Degrees F. Turn unit down to obtain food temps of 41 Degrees F or lower.
#22- Thermometers not used to evacuate food temps. Correction: Provide and use. Take food temp 2-3 times daily. Locate thermometers visible recommend center shelf near door.
#26- Non-compliance with approved plans and procedures. Equipment replaced with unapproved small unit (Grista under counter unit), Rinse, procedure changed unsuccessfully. Correction: Consult with inspector in advance of equipment or procedure change to verify adequate risk control. Approval required in advance of install/implementation develop ware washing/rinsing plan.
#29- Inadequate temperature control. Grista 1 door under counter unit undersized for need, overall unable to keep temps. Merchandiser door broken, glass cracked. Correction: Provide additional cold hold unit or reduce unit stack. Ensure 41 Degrees F or lower, repair/replace merchandiser glass.
#34- Sanitizer (chlorine) greater than 100ppm. Correction: provide and maintain chlorine sanitizer 50-100ppm.
#41- Improper ware washing. Basins improperly used, sanitizing step not conducted. Correction: Properly wash in 1st basin, rinse in 2nd basin and properly sanitize in 3rd basin. Rewash all improperly washed wares.
#41- Sanitizer test strips unavailable. Correction: Provide and use.

Whistle Stop Grocery - 12745 OLD 99 HWY SE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Grocery Stores & Confectioneries 8/20/2024 0 0 0    

Crumbl Cookies Lacey - 8160 FREEDOM LN NE Suite A/B

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/20/2024 35 0 35 #04- Hands Washed As Required
#06- Adequate Handwashing Facilities
Atosa fridge with milk: 36 Degrees F
Balled and pressed cookie dough: 36 Degrees F - 39 Degrees F Sanitizer dispenser ~ 300ppm quat
#6- Water supply valve for hot water at both hand sinks were turned off. There must be function hot and cold water at hand sinks at times. Correct ASAP. Have owner verify.
#4- Employee did not wash hands after sales transaction. Must strip gloves and wash hands before returning to food preparation.
Note: Prepared batches of dough must be balled, condensed within 30 minutes.

Ay-Chihuahua Dawgs - 625 Black Lake Blvd SW Ste 324

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Mobile Food Unit (Cart) 8/17/2024 0 0 0   Sauce ice chest: 37 Degrees F
Sauerkraut, cold hot: 37 Degrees F
Muat ice chest: 34 Degrees F
Sanitizing solution: 75ppm
No items cited

Flaming Pig BBQ (Mobile) - 111 Tumwater Blvd SE STE B101

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Mobile Food Unit 8/17/2024 0 0 0   Sausage hot hold (steam): 140 Degrees F
Mac n cheese: 150 Degrees F
Coleslaw cold hold (1 door prep): 41 Degrees F
In-use sanitizer ~ 50ppm
Shredded chicken electric Cambro: 145 Degrees F
Note: Ensure sanitizer is proper concentration before any food prep. Use test strips.

Jay's Farmstand - 4315 Harrison

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/16/2024 0 5 5 #29- Adequate Equipment for Temperature Control
Coolers and walk-in cooler: 38 Degrees F and 40 Degrees F
Coolers, milk, soft cheese, tamales: 39 Degrees F and 40 Degrees F
Salmon dip, goat cheese: 38 Degree F and 39 Degrees F
#29- Walk-in cooler has evidence of opening along the bottom frame. Provide an air tight curtain for the walk-in cooler.

Port, The - 2521 Marvin Rd NE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/16/2024 70 5 75 #01- PIC Certified by Accredited Program or Compliance with Code
#04- Hands Washed As Required
#06- Adequate Handwashing Facilities
#12- Proper Shellstock ID; Wild Mushroom ID; Parasite Destruction
#21- Proper Cold Holding Temperatures
#23- Proper Consumer Advisory Posted
#26- Compliance With Risk Control Plan, Variance, Plan of Operation; Valid Permit
#34- Wiping Cloths Properly Used, Stored
Beans at crockpot at 135 degrees F.
Cut tomatoes at prep unit at 41 Degrees F.
beans cooled at 2 inches uncovered walk in at 40-41 Degrees F.
Salsa cooked vegetables front unit at 47-55 Degrees.
Pico De Gallo at glass door unit at 40 Degrees F.
beans and meat at hot hold at 135 Degrees F.
#1- PIC not actively managing risk factors - including cold hold and hand washing violations. A PIC must be able to demonstrate adequate food safety knowledge. Correction: obtain CFPM certificate if not already obtained retrain or train PIC's or managers on PIC duties.
Consumer Advisory on missing disclosure on menu. Consumer advisory is required for any animal products which are served raw or cooked to order. Correction: Add to menu within 10 days and must Disclose and remind
#26- Unapproved changes and additions to menu. LHJ or health officer shall approve meu additions as a condition of the food permit. Correction: Cease sale and service of oysters and oyster dishes until food flow are submitted and approved.
#34- No sanitizer made sanitizer shall be required when open and food is being prepped and sold and served. Correction: Prepare sanitizer and store wiping cloths in solution.


Re-InspectionDate: Aug 30, 2024 Results: Cooked onions, taco truck front unit: 52 Degrees F
Hummus, taco truck front unit: 41 Degrees F
Reinspection Observations:
#1- PICS are taking CFPM exam within next month. Send email when complete.
#4- PICs plan to retrain employees on HW next week.
#6- Car HW sink properly stocked. Send plan to ensure sink is properly stocked.
#12- Discussed oyster tag requirements
#21- Some TCS foods in truck front prep unit >41 Degrees F. Discussed the need to cool cooked TCS foods prior to placing in unit. PIC switched out foods. Unit had been serviced Continue monitoring temperatures/
#23- Consumer advisory disclosure (stickers) now present on menu
#26- Wrote oyster food flows at restaurant with PIC, ok.


Little Caesars - 805 COLLEGE ST SE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/16/2024 30 5 35 #01- PIC Certified by Accredited Program or Compliance with Code
#04- Hands Washed As Required
#42- Food-Contact Surfaces Maintained, Cleaned, Sanitized
Makeline and walk-in cooler: 39 Degrees F and 40 Degrees F
Sausage, beef, ham, cheese: 39 Degrees F and 41 Degeees F
Warmer, chicken wings, pizza: 147 Degrees F and 151 Degrees F
In-use quat sanitizer solution concentration ~200ppm
In-use sanitizer quat solution ~300ppm
#1- PIC and food workers do not demonstrate basic knowledge of food safety PICs must take serv safe course and train food workers accordingly.
#4- Observed improper handwashing as required. Correction: Food workers must wash their hands thoroughly for a minimum of 20 seconds with soap and warm water.
#42- Can opener has evidence of food debris build up. Correction: Clean and sanitize thoroughly can opener after each use.
*Note: Discussed with PIC on writing a document on correction. Violation 1 and 4.

MiSo - 2539 MARVIN RD Bldg D Ste A

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/16/2024 0 0 0   Kimchi cut lettuce at prep line cold hold at 40 Degrees F.
Corn under counter unit at 41 degrees F.
Seaweed at walk in at 40 Degrees F.
Beef and rice at prep line at hot hold at 165 Degrees F.
glass noodles at reheating at 90 - 145 Degrees F.

Papa John's - 408 CLEVELAND AVE SE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/15/2024 0 10 10 #41- Warewashing Facilities Properly Installed, Maintained, Used; Test Strips
#42- Food-Contact Surfaces Maintained, Cleaned, Sanitized
Makeline, reach-in, and walk-in cooler: 37 Degrees F and 40 Degrees F
Chicken wings, diced tomatoes, sausage: 39 Degrees F and 41 Degrees F
Hot holding, pizza: 175 Degrees F
In-use sanitizer chemical could not test concentration without test strips.
#41- Test strips are not provided to validate accurate concentration. Correction: Provide test strips to ensure accurate concentration strength.
#42- Can opener has evidence of food debris build up. Correction: Clean thoroughly can opener after each use.

Pit Stop - 1734 Boulevard Road SE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Grocery Stores & Confectioneries 8/15/2024 5 0 5 #22- Accurate Thermometer Provided for PHF
Sandwiches, merchandiser cooler: 38 Degrees F
Milk, merchandiser cooler: 40 Degrees F
#22- Refrigerators that stores TCS food items does not have ambient thermometer. Correction: Provide ambient thermometer to ensure that interior cold air temperature is 41 Degrees F or less.

Nocturnal Hound, LLC - 324 CUSTER WAY SW

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/15/2024 0 0 0   Makeline, reach-in cooler, refrigerator: 35 Degrees F and 37 Degrees F
Goat cheese, deli turkey, arugala: 37 Degrees F and 41 Degrees F
In-use sanitizer quat solution concentration ~ 300ppm.
No violations noted during time of inspection
Great work!

Trader Joe's # 156 - 1530 Black Lake Boulevard Suite A102

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Grocery Stores & Confectioneries 8/14/2024 0 0 0   Dairy cases 33-38
meat cases 34-37

Olympic Crest Coffee Roasters - 4211 Pacific Avenue SE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/14/2024 15 0 15 #02- Food Worker Cards Current
#26- Compliance With Risk Control Plan, Variance, Plan of Operation; Valid Permit
Back refrigerator and small refrigerator, milk: 38 Degrees F and 40 Degrees F
Cookline and 2-door reach-in: Milk, oat milk: 39 Degrees F and 41 Degrees F
Eggs, cream cheese, ham, sausage, turkey: 38 Degrees F and 41 Degrees F
In-use chlorine solution concentration ~ 50ppm
#2- One food worker card is expired. Correction: FWC shall be up to date valid and available upon request.
#26- According to remodel assessment, the counter around mop sink needs to be replaced and would highly recommend a splash guard between mop sink and the ice machine. Moreover, Floor is front of the preparation area needs to be replaced. A follow up is warranted to ensure compliance. Note: Last remodel assessment was discussed on 11/1/2023.

Jersey Mike's Subs - 1309 COOPER POINT RD SW

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/14/2024 10 0 10 #21- Proper Cold Holding Temperatures
Sliced tomatoes tope of made line: 45 Degrees F - 51 Degrees F
Comparison, hot pepper relish: 37 Degrees F
Quat sanitizer ~ 200ppm
#21- Sliced tomatoes of both make counters at 45 Degrees F - 51 Degrees F. These must be chilled to and maintained at 41 Degrees F or below. CA: moved to walk-in to chill. Pre-chill whole tomatoes as a recommendation.
Note: Discussed issues of complaint

Olympia Seafood - 4242 Capitol Blvd SE Suite 171

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/14/2024 25 0 25 #16- Proper Cooling Procedures
Cold Case display and walk in cooler at 35- 38 Degrees F.
Raw fish and salmon and lobster shrimps at 39-40 Degrees F.
Claw and chowder soup and calamari and lettuce at 39-40 Degrees F.
Steam table and clam chowder and soup at 156 Degrees F.
In use chlorine solution on concentration at 50 PPM
#16- Clam Chowder soup and pasta lobster have been cooling in covered containers. Correction: TCS foods items shall be cooled in uncovered shallow containers and TCS food depth must be 2 inches or less. Cover containers at 41 Degrees or less discussed with PIC about cooling accordingly.

McDonald's #04722 - 1325 Marvin Road N.E.

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/14/2024 0 0 0   1/4 burger, cook: 167 Degrees F
Chicken nuggets, cooker: 165 Degrees F - 173 Degrees F
Chicken, HH: 159 Degrees F
Contact sanitizer ~ 100ppm chlorine
No items cited

Bittersweet Chocolates LLC - 210 STATE AVE NW

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Grocery Stores & Confectioneries 8/13/2024 0 0 0   Whipped Cream in small cold hold at 39 Degrees F.
Butter and whipping cream at reach in at 40 Degrees F.
Ware washer temp at 160 Degrees F.
In use sanitizer chlorine at 100 PPM

El Pulgarcito II - 4509 Lacey Boulevard SE Suite B

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/13/2024 0 0 0   #1- PIC and food workers demonstrated basic understanding of food safety, provided PIC with educational materials in Spanish.
#16- Observed proper cooling procedures of sliced pork and fried rice.
#33- Ice scoop holder is clean
#34- In use chlorine solution concentration is at 100 PPM

Pat's Café - 6011 PACIFIC AVE SE

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Food Service Establishment 8/13/2024 15 10 25 #14- Raw Meats Away from RTE Food; Species Separated
#26- Compliance With Risk Control Plan, Variance, Plan of Operation; Valid Permit
#34- Wiping Cloths Properly Used, Stored
#42- Food-Contact Surfaces Maintained, Cleaned, Sanitized
Front Small refrigerator and cookline walk in at 37-40 Degrees F.
Diced tomatoes, sausage, Ham and sprout beans at 38-40 Degrees F.
Warmer with gravy and sausage at 162 Degrees F.
In use sanitizer quat solution below 100 ppm
14- Raw chicken stored over raw eggs and ready to eat food items. Correction: PIC moved raw chicken to the bottom shelf.
#34- In use quat sanitizer solution concentration measured below 100 PPM. Correction: PIC to remake solution to correct strength between 2 and 400 PPM
#26- Mop sink must meet specifications. Discussed with PIC to install required mop sink that has not been installed. A follow up is warranted to ensure compliance.
#42- Can opener has evidence of solid food debris. Correction PIC started to clean and sanitize. Correction: the can opener must be cleaned and sanitized after each use.

Espresso Stop Yelm, LLC - 1008 YELM AVE E

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Coffee Shop 8/12/2024 0 0 0   Follow up visit to verify corrective action of imminent health hazard of improperly functioning plumbing
Per verbal agreement with owner, Rochelle.
-Professional plumber contracted for service today.
-Will continue to wash hands in hand sink.
-Use of 3-comp sink to be ceased until repaired.
- Will use food prep for "rinsing" within 4 hour period and will catch wash hands of alternate location.
-As this is a temporary negotiation, menu reduction may be required if plumbing is not immediately repaired to properly function.

Haggen - 1313 COOPER POINT RD SW

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Deli 8/12/2024 0 0 0   Roasted Chicken- hot hold at 163 Degrees F.
Potato salad at 37 Degrees F.
Contact sanitizer at 200-300PPM quat

Dollar Tree #5261 - 906 YELM AVE E

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Grocery Stores & Confectioneries 8/12/2024 0 2 2 #48- Physical Facilities Properly Installed, Maintained, Cleaned
Cheese, walk-in: 40 Degrees F
Lunch meat, display refrigerator: 39 Degrees F
Frozen foods, freezer frozen
#48- Inadequate physical facilities, Facility absent proper shelving, foods stored on floor (in storage/refrigerator/freezer) Correction: Provide shelving and six inch space between floor and shelving to allow cleaning.
-Reviewed pest control
-Reviewed receiving temperature
-Reviewed WA expiration policies

RiteAid #5286 - 905 E Yelm Avenue

Permit Type Inspection Date Red Points Blue Points Total Points Deficiencies Inspection Notes
Grocery Stores & Confectioneries 8/12/2024 0 2 2 #48- Physical Facilities Properly Installed, Maintained, Cleaned
Cheese, refrigerator case: 40 Degrees F Frozen foods, freezers frozen
#48- Inadequate facilities, absent adequate shelving. Items stored on floor in receiving and display.
Condition: Provide shelving with six inch space from floor to allow cleaning.
Notes- Reviewed pest control records
-Revised receiving temp requirements
-Reviewed product explanation regulation


Thurston County Public Health & Social Services conducts routine kitchen inspections for all retail food establishments in the county.  If you are interested in inspection reports from previous years, please contact Thurston County Public Health & Social Services with the name and address of the establishment. Read on to learn more about what our inspection reports mean.

Points Violation Detail

There are 50 food safety violations in two types: red or blue. Red violations are high risk factors that contribute directly to foodborne illness. Blue violations are low risk factors defined as good retail practices. Violations worth higher numbers of points are more likely to lead to foodborne illness. 

Examples of red violations include: 

  • Food found not hot enough must be reconditioned.
  • A refrigerator that is not cold enough must have its thermostat adjusted or be emptied and fixed before being used again, depending on its temperature.
  • A hand wash sink that is full of dishes, or is out of soap or paper towels, must be cleared or restocked.

Examples of blue violations include:

  • Damaged floor that needs to be replaced because it is hard to keep clean and may need to be repaired within six months.
  • Grease and food accumulation on the floor underneath the cook line needs to be cleaned up within seven days.

Abbreviations and Terms

3-comp - Three compartment sink; used to wash/rinse/sanitize dishes

BHC - Bare hand contact

CH - Cold hold (i.e., refrigeration)

Commissary - an approved commercial kitchen used to prepare and store food, usually for food trucks or caterers.

FW - Food workers or employees of the food establishment

FWC – Food worker card; all food establishment employees must have a valid food worker card.

HH - Hot hold

HW - Hand wash

PIC - Person in charge

PPM - Parts per million; measurement of concentration

RTE - Ready-to-eat; food that will not be further cooked before serving.

TCS - Time/temperature control for safety (food) (previously PHF); food that requires time or temperature control for safety to limit pathogenic growth or toxin formation. These foods must be kept hot above 135˚F, cold below 41˚F, or thrown away 4 hours after leaving temperature control. 


Commercial refrigerators are designed and built to survive the constant opening and closing that happens in a restaurant kitchen. Their compressors are built to keep food below 41˚F and their doors, gaskets, shelves are also built to be easily cleanable. 

  • Merchandiser – These refrigerators are designed for unopened cans and bottles of beverages or other unopened single-serve products. They are not designed to be working refrigerators used in commercial kitchens. They are not easily cleanable or designed to withstand frequent opening and closing.
  • Home-style – These refrigerators are not acceptable at food establishments. Although much less expensive than commercial units, they tend not to last too long and are not reliable for keeping cold temperatures under normal commercial conditions.
  • Prep-cooler, prep-table, prep-case – These are terms for under-counter refrigerators that also have a refrigerated top with bins and a cover to keep cold ingredients handy for making salads, sandwiches, and the like.

Restaurants need to have at least three different types of sinks. They each have specific purposes and should not be used for other tasks.

  • Hand wash sink: The most important sink for food safety is a hand wash sink. A hand wash sink should be within 25 feet of any food preparation area. If the kitchen is larger, more than one may be needed. Hand wash sinks must always be available to be used and supplied with warm water, soap, and disposable towels.
  • Three-compartment sink: The three-compartment sink has three basins for the washing, rinsing, and sanitizing dishes and utensils. Restaurants may also have commercial dishwashers to make washing easier, but the three-compartment sink is required.
  • Produce sink/prep sink: The produce or "prep" sink is used to rinse fruits or produce and to thaw or rinse raw meats. This sink must be kept clean and sanitized between uses so that raw meat juice does not end up on the lettuce or other RTE foods.
  • Mop sink: The mop sink can look like a utility sink or be on the floor with a raised sill around it. The mop sink can be used for mop bucket dumping, mop head rinsing, etc.

What We Do with Inspection Information

If the violation point total exceeds either 45 red points or 65 total points, a re-inspection will occur. A re-inspection incurs an additional fee and when the inspector returns, they confirm that any remaining red point violations have been corrected. Notes made during the re-inspection are shown next to the original inspection.

Solving Problems
Thurston County Public Health and Social Services aims to correct violations through education and to work with the food operator to make sure they have the proper resources to serve safe food. Violations are fixed more quickly, and solutions stay in place longer if the person in charge understands the reasons behind the regulations. If violations are not fixed, further enforcement action may include additional visits (and more fees), an administrative hearing, or being closed until the problem is fixed. 


Contact the Food and Environmental Services Section at 360-867-2667 or send an email to with additional questions.