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Thurston County, Washington

The content on the Thurston County website is currently provided in English. We are providing the “Translation” for approximately 10 languages. The goal of the translation is to provide visitors with limited English proficiency to access information on the website in other languages. The translations do not translate all types of documents, and it may not give you an exact translation all the time. The translations are made through an automated process, which may not result in accurate or precise translations, particularly of technical and legal terminology.

Community Planning and Economic Development


Access Permit Guide
Accessory Buildings
Additional Property Owners
Administrative Appeal
Administrative Variance
Administrative Variance Guide
ADU Frequently Asked Questions
Adult Family Homes
Agriculture Buildings
Anchoring Verification Form
Assessor's Home Data Sheet


Boundary Line Adjustment / Lot Consolidation Form
Building Permit Extension Request

Code Compliance Verification Certification
Compliance Certification No Permit
Construction Permit - SA 014
Construction Permit Guide
COWA Connection to a Public Water System
COWA Connection to one (1) or (2) Single Family Residential Connections to one Water Source 
Critical Area Farm Conservation Plan 
Critical Area Farm Conservation Plan Information Handout
Critical Area Review
Critical Area Determination 

Decommissioning an Underground Oil Tank
Design Review Application  | |  Design Review Guide
Design Review within Lacey UGA
Design Review within Olympia UGA
Design Review within Tumwater UGA

Emergency Verification Form
Encroachment Permit - SA 013
Encroachment Permit Guide
Engineer Supplemental Mobile Certification List
Exempt Accessory Structures

Family Member Unit Affidavit
Fire Code Permit
Fire Code Permit Application
Fire Code Permit Guide
Fire Flow Permit Guide
Fire Flow Worksheet (Excel spreadsheet)
Fire Permit Application
Fire Related Projects Application
Fire ADU Verification Form
Firework Displays Guide
Firework Stands Guide
FIRM Panel
Flood Damage and Permitting
Flood Insurance Rate Map Example
Flood Insurance Rate Map Legend
Flood Plan
Forest Practice Activities Form

Garage Conversion Guide
Guide to Using the Master Application Form

Hazard And Vulnerability Plan
Hazards Verification Form
Hood & Duct Application Form

Impervious Surface Worksheet
Inspection No Permit

JARPA Cover Sheet

Legal Lot Determination Form
Legal Lot Determination Instructions
Limited-Supply Sprinkler System Guide
Living in an RV While House is Under Construction
Locating or Recreating a Water Well Report Fact Sheet

Manufactured Home Homeowner Checklist
Manufactured Home Placement Guide
Manufactured Home Placement Permit - SA 005
Master Application MA 001
Membrane/Tent Permit
Minor Permit Application
Minor Permit Guide

Non-Residential Guide
Non-Residential Permit SA 002

Oil Tank Decommissioning Information Guide
Other Administrative Actions

Permit Phone System Guide
Permitting Structures Built Without a Permit
Private Well Water Sample Instructions

Reasonable Use Exception Guide
Reasonable Use Exception Permit SA 015c
Refund Request Form
Release of Moratorium - SA 035
Request to Vacate Right-of-Way Guide
Request to Vacate Right-of-Way
Residential Building Permit
Residential Energy Code 2018 Guide
Reviewing Elevation Certificates
Right of Way Access Permit - SA 015b
Right of Way Scoping Review - SA 015a

Scoping Review Request Guide
SEPA Checklist 
SEPA Checklist (Word)
SEPA Checklist Guide
SEPA Cover Sheet
Septic Verification Form
Shoreline Administrative Variance SA 037
Shoreline Administrative Variance Guide
Sign Permit Application & Sign Guide 
Single Family Home/Duplexes Guide
Site Plan Review Guide
Site Plan Review SA 038
Special Use Permit SA 039
Special Use Permit Guide & Instructions
State Mandated Well Form
Supplemental Certification No Permit

Thurston County Reference Monument Locations
Tiny Home Information Guide
Title Elimination Inspection Request

Variance Request for Drainage and Erosion Control
Variance Request form for Hearing Examiner
Variance - Administrative Variance Application
Variance - Administrative Variance Guide

Water Affidavit 11-22-23
Water Affidavit 13-14
Well Form Guide
Wireless Communication Facilities Supplemental Checklist (for use with Special Use Permit)
Withdrawal Request Form